Prostitutes: Go to rehab or go to jail

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
This article is from January but my first time seeing this........

Go to rehab or go to jail.
With those options, the city is taking a new approach to the world's oldest profession. Police treat prostitutes as sex crime victims, offering many a chance to clean up and get off the streets.

Thoughts on this?....

I have a feeling if it was me I would some how end up on the jail end due to being extremely pissed about being told I am a sex crime Victim and would most likely end up letting know just how I feel about that,.....There is Nothing Victim for me about what I choose to do...
rekcaSxT's Avatar
It sounds like this program is specifically talking about Street Walkers.

Besides there are no prostitutes here!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Besides there are no prostitutes here! Originally Posted by rekcaSxT

I agree...Not my choice of words

I am wondering on thoughts ...If this went off the streets and into this end of it
pyramider's Avatar
Could they be referring to the legislature? They are all a bunch of whores.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Off the streets they will find fewer girls with addictions and pimps. I am not going to say they wont find any, but fewer. And if a girl is managing her own business, then what does she need rehab for?

Meaning, I don't know!
It is another of the social progressive programs trying to make every one like the program directors (government) wants them to be. With a little rehab or counseling anyone can be convienced to walk the "straight and narrow" as they define. These government reformers are worse than the worst of the religious zelots. JMHO
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I can see that because this is the state capital there are a lot of people who do not want to SEE street walkers on the street. That whole out of sight out of mind mentality. The people who complain and want to curb prostitution are probably focusing on the visible aspect to this world.

Those ladies who play in secret and keep their business discreet should have nothing to worry about I would hope. Besides who are all the politicians going to play with if all of the providers are chased out of town? (joke!)
Police set up a staging area once a month in a vacant lot near the truck stops. Four mobile command trucks surround folding tables and chairs where social service workers set up shop. The action usually begins about 7 p.m. and runs until 3 a.m.
Police confiscate the prostitutes' property and interview them for information about criminal activity, such as whether pimps are running underage prostitutes out of area motels. Then social service workers assess the women's drug, alcohol and mental health counseling needs. The women get STD tests and other medical care at a mobile health clinic.
The last stop of the night is the mobile courtroom. If the women have no felony warrants and seem sincere, the judge gives them the opportunity to avoid jail and enter rehab.
Good gravy, that reads like some sort of civil rights nightmare. Call me a cynic, but what I don't see is mention of being read their rights, allowed attorney counsel or that the medical services are voluntary.
Yep I'd be sitting right next to you Victoria! I don't have a sex or drug or alcohol problem so what is it they think we need rehab for? The only problem I usually have with sex is not getting enough! Wait maybe I do need rehab!

But seriously legislation like this always makes the statics for drug and alcohol seem bigger. SO now the static for sex addiction is going to look bigger.

I think most people choose rehab over jail almost every time, so they will not have a police record. But all it boils down to is being blackmailed by the judge and isn't extortion illegal? You stand in front of him and hell tells you, "You can go to jail, have a sex charge on your record OR you can go to rehab for sex addiction and when you are done no police record." What he fails to tell you is, your police record will still show you were arrested and the reason you were arrested ie. sex charges, just never found guilty. I may not have this exactly right as far as 'the law' (I'm not a lawyer) but I know I am pretty close as to how it all plays out.

I'm not sure how TX law is but NV law says if you arrested for soliciting and found guilty, you have to registrar as a sex offender! This is what I've heard, not 100% on how accurate that statement is either.

In California we have a similar kind of legislation, it's Prop 36, and it has to do with MMJ patients but still the same shit. This I know with certainty.

Lustfully naughty
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Good gravy, that reads like some sort of civil rights nightmare. Call me a cynic, but what I don't see is mention of being read their rights, allowed attorney counsel or that the medical services are voluntary. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
Oh, I'm sure that they're read their rights and the medical services is voluntary. Maybe. There was a huge cover story about this in The Dallas Observer in the fall. It's pretty big news and is being done in other cities.

There's also a lot of prideful breast beating with judges and certain law enforcement agents who are promoting this program.

I know of two sex worker advocates who are not in favor of this program. I would only be in favor of it if someone wishes to get out of the business and they don't have the wherewithall to do so in any other fashion and I can see that has happening.

But my thoughts are that many women LIKE being on the streets and they don't feel that they are less then "us" who are internet escorts. In fact, many streetwalkers make more money then the internet ladies. It's all the same just in a different form.

In the book, "Working" by Delores French, she liked learning about streetwalking. I've always been curious about it. But if I did it, I believe that I would rather be in Paris where it's not a crime! (Or rather, it's tolerated)

Point being, it's disturbing that law enforcement is wishing to help us poor souls to get out of the business. I have a dear friend who really DOES wish to get out of escorting and she has found some really good support groups in Dallas to help with the different problems (lack of extra money, isolation, etc.) that happens when women get out of this business.

But she has her head together, doesn't have a drug problem and being an escort was her choice, it certainly wasn't forced.

To force a woman to do something to stay out of jail is morally just wrong. Period. Of course, we could segue into another topic about legalities and different moral compasses but there's no point to that.

It just rubs me the complete wrong way to read about these programs and have women tell ME that this is the way to go. And don't even get me started about having to be with civie friends and have them make comments about "bad women" or "hookers" and they haven't a clue of what they're saying or more especially, who they're saying it around.

The whole situation makes me curse under my breath.

Good topic!

That's why I NEVER see prostitutes and only see providers.....providers don't need no stinkin' rehab!!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
That's why I NEVER see prostitutes and only see providers.....providers don't need no stinkin' rehab!! Originally Posted by TheCandyMan

There are a few prostitutes around here posing as providers that do.............
GneissGuy's Avatar
21 success stories out of 375 people.

Wow! What a success rate! One of the most successful government programs out there!

Of course, 21 is their number. How do we know it isn't 5 successes and 16 who claim success and haven't gotten caught again?

OFFERING rehab for drug problems, drinking, escape from pimps, etc. is a good thing, busted or not. Shoving rehab down their throats vs. jail says rehab is punishment for a crime, something for losers. It means that the people doing rehab see their "clients" as their prisoners, rather as their customers. It means that the other people in rehab are there to avoid jail, not to get better. That's got to make and "group therapy" discussions have real good buyin by the participants.
Whispers's Avatar
There are a few prostitutes around here posing as providers that do............. Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn

I think today is going to be one of those days!
nuglet's Avatar
If you have plenty of $$$. you don't have a drug problem....... not yet... LOL
Like the hollywood folks that go to the Betty Ford clinic... at $3000 per day, they don't have a drug problem, not if they can afford $3000 a day.