Rush Limbaugh advanced lung cancer

Dev Null's Avatar
This from NPR:

Love him or hate him, I suppose that we should wish him well. After all, he never forced anyone to listen to his delusional bullshit.
Precious_b's Avatar
I can feel for his predicament.
But if he got it free basing or smoking some other drugs, my opinion is reduced an order of magnitude due to his hypocrite rantings of others who were addicted to drugs.
Dev Null's Avatar
Yeah, that's what addicts do. I still sympathize with his situation, but a lot of people do dangerous stuff and don't get aggressive lung cancer.

People who have addictive behavior are still people, and they don't deserve all of the consequences of their behavior. It just happens.

And it's by no means certain that his predicament was caused by his addictive behavior.

He's just an abrasive person that maybe some of us would like to see suffer for all of the suffering that he's promoted.

But it's possible that he meant well, but was just too entitled and privileged to know any better. I think that's the problem with a lot of conservatives.
Precious_b's Avatar
The way he railed against Daryl Strawberry and than was busted with drugs himself....hypocrite.
If he didn't ravage a guy that already had a monkey on his back, i could be forgiving.
Dev Null's Avatar
He was kind of a tragic figure. Never really fit in anywhere except for talk radio.

He was a lonely object of mass adulation, socially ill at ease, at least occasionally depressed and, for the past several years, living in a private hell of pain and compulsion.
The problem with cutting the head off a demon is that it might just grow two back in its place.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
I don’t tune into his Reich wing bluster anyway. If you smoke like a chimney then watch out. Chances are, like a John Wayne once’ll probably get the BIG C
I doubt I’ll lose sleep over his demise. As Rhett Butler once said.
Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn.
One less toxic Reich wing lying pundit to be concerned about.
Precious_b's Avatar
BWK, same here.
And with trump when he leaves office, I don't see myself having respect for him ever. I have respected every other Prez that has left office and moved on in my life time.
Agent220's Avatar
People who have addictive behavior are still people, and they don't deserve all of the consequences of their behavior. It just happens. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Not when they use people to get that addiction or have tried to destroy others to get sympathy in order to acquire addiction.

People like that are beneath depraved animals.
Dev Null's Avatar
Not when they use people to get that addiction or have tried to destroy others to get sympathy in order to acquire addiction.

People like that are beneath depraved animals. Originally Posted by Agent220
You can't think the same way about addicts after you've seen the brain scans. Serious loss of function, so it's no wonder they make piss-poor decisions and their life becomes a shit show.

But everyone is responsible for the consequences of their actions, even if they're seriously impaired.
Agent220's Avatar
Yeah, that's what addicts do. I still sympathize with his situation, but a lot of people do dangerous stuff and don't get aggressive lung cancer.

People who have addictive behavior are still people, and they don't deserve all of the consequences of their behavior. It just happens.

And it's by no means certain that his predicament was caused by his addictive behavior.

He's just an abrasive person that maybe some of us would like to see suffer for all of the suffering that he's promoted.

But it's possible that he meant well, but was just too entitled and privileged to know any better. I think that's the problem with a lot of conservatives. Originally Posted by Dev Null
You can't think the same way about addicts after you've seen the brain scans. Serious loss of function, so it's no wonder they make piss-poor decisions and their life becomes a shit show.

But everyone is responsible for the consequences of their actions, even if they're seriously impaired. Originally Posted by Dev Null
They chose that option.

I understand the fallout from addiction having dated multiple women with severe addiction.

I also believe in Invictus by William Ernest Henley
Dev Null's Avatar
They chose that option.

I understand the fallout from addiction having dated multiple women with severe addiction.

I also believe in Invictus by William Ernest Henley Originally Posted by Agent220
No argument there. I just think we might have better results from evidence-based treatment over the old-school faith-based approaches like AA and NA. Sure they help some people, but statistically they have limited success since they don't address underlying mental health issues.

And newer meds like naltrexone can help some addicts stay clean, but they are underprescribed and sometimes stigmatized in faith-based approaches.

We're still in the dark ages in dealing with addiction, but maybe Invictus will inspire us to continue making progress.
The way he has spread hate, karma paid him back
I didn't know a cancer could catch cancer.
Depth of degredation:

Both Sean Hannity and Limbaugh are spreading a rumor that the COVID-19 is only a common cold and the whole corona virus thing is a political plot. How many lives could potentially be destroyed or severely impacted who will swallow their garbage.