What are you getting me?!?

And yourself of course?

I always get myself something..& still trying to figure out what to get me this year...

What are you getting yourself because you know you love yourself so much too!. ?

Are you getting the SO anything or gf?
Let's share ideas!

And providers that entertain on V-Day love Valentine's Gifts too btw!!

Just spreading hugs to all & best sexy romantic wishes!
Please no offence but no knock off prada or Luis Vuitton..I don't give knock off CW
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I've already scheduled a special evening with my ATF.
An intimate dinner at Lam Bo, drinks at Bluto's afterwards followed by a passionate hour at the Great Value Inn.
LexusLover's Avatar
Is Valentines a "one-way" street? Why?
Lexuslover everytime I've seen you there was always sexy hotties around you & you know it..those hotties like gifts & we both know it especially on Valentine's..Providers, SO, wife,lovers..girly women..looove gifts.
& You guys know this!

I can't say in all honesty & I'm sorry? I've never given anyone a Valentine's gift but your right it should be a two way street ..?
But not in my world that's something I hope to change if I ever fall in love or lust but not happening..maybe I will change that this year & with my p4p visitors that I pretend are my one hour lovers & daddies & everything else they want to pretend maybe this year I will give a gift too a small token of my lust back..?
I don't know that 2 way street question for a single & married to my self proud Sologamy queen that's a tough answer for me .
I'm hoping some Providers with partners whether bisexual or married will answer.
How's this..
I hope everyone here that is giving someone a Valentine's gift they get exactly same in return from their loved one!

I'm actually planning on also doing something different this year that may make several hearts happy..& not in a sexual way..
Well there's the naughty heart list
& The sweet heart list
To those that bring gifts all year long with your visits..your the best !!
Almost forgot !!
latinluvr465's Avatar
I'll be making chocolate covered strawberries and have a bottle of chocolate syrup and whipped cream for activities afterwards.