... G'day Stumper lads,
... Loster - finder - ---- where's the Green Binder?!!
... So, one o' the fellows here did a thread awhile back
on the whereabouts of a "missing" binder, that may have
contained the "secrets" of the Crossfire-Hurricane stunt.
... Well NOW we learn that the "missing" Green Binder
contained information that the CIA had actually
invited other nations to SPY on Donald Trump.
As President OBama SPYED on candidate Trump's campaign
- and of course OUTRIGHT LIED to the American people
about it. ... In typical OBama fashion.
... So people surely believe THAT was the reason for
the Mar-a-Lago raid... That Trump might have the
Binder there. ... And I reckon it was NOT found.
... Now others may believe that Joe Biden has
the Green Binder - along-with Classified documents
that Joe was NOT permitted to have.
But it doesn't seem to this point that Joe has
the Binder. (Hmmmm... Maybe China does)
... The FACT that the CIA had other nations spying
on a US citizen - and then doing it themselves
after the citizen is elected President - is
known as ESPIONAGE.
And it's also a crime to create a fake dossier
to damage the reputation and standing of someone
- when you KNOW that the information is false.
... So Trump has claimed that he de-classified
the contents of whatever was in the Binder.
Reckon that means THIS Green Binder that I mention.
... So whether we call it the "Green Binder" or
the "Espionage Binder" - we'll see IF it turns up.
And just WHO may be facing Espionage Charges
next year because of the contents.
#### Salty