Where are all the Minnesotans?!

I have been an ECCIE Member for only a few short months. Admittedly doing more lurking than participating. Still focusing on getting acquainted. (Sorry ECCIE) In the course of my lurking I have noticed there is very little participation out of Mn. Why is that I find myself wondering. I have been quite impressed so far with the wealth of information on the various boards. I believe Minnesotans have a lot of useful insights to offer. (Based on what I have seen on other boards) Could it be in part that word simply hasn't gotten around to folks here that ECCIE exists? I try to spread the word as much as I can. (When I remember that is.) Perhaps everyone could try to do a little promoting? Just a thought.

Happy hobbying everyone!
I think you're right, Hearts. I just found it in the past couple of weeks. A lot of Texa going on, but not much else.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe ECCIE originated out of Texas? Under those circumstances it stands to reason the majority of members would be from there. I love Texas BTW. Would love to tour there some day. Particularly during the Cold winter months. A lot of young college barbies to compete with though, so I may just have to continue fantasizing. Lol! Perhaps a sexy Minnesotan will indulge me with a hawt, sexy southern accent while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Yummy! Tee, hee!
I way perfer Eccie to TER because it is much more user friendly. i found the other board to be very difficult to put reviews on and they nitpick your submissions. Actually I believe they purposefully make it difficult to post a negative comment.

The best guess as to the lack of activity in MN has to do with advertising the site.People just don't know it exists. It is the superior site around just unknown in certain areas.
Good question Hearts.

Would be nice to see this section build up a bit.
We'll have to work on that for sure! I put the banner on my website, posted links on various other boards, & suggest ECCIE to friends all the time. Hopefully others will do the same. Spread the love! Lol!
From Dallas. But now live here... Not as many providers here on eccie
From Dallas. But now live here... Not as many providers here on eccie Originally Posted by Rep972
We're working on that babe! Welcome to Mn!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
No state has as many providers as Texas does. On any site.
Miss Jessica's Avatar
TER is one of the main boards in Minnesota so is P411.
Yup. But I like ECCIE better than TER & would love to see the membership list grow in MN.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Hey Hearts, come on down here. Dallas men love milfs and visitors. Not all are into College Barbie. We have nice variety of providers and clients to match
I came to check out MN because I'm going to be there next week on business. Thought I would see if I could enjoy extracurricular activities while there. Guess not active up there.
Thanks for the invite Emily. I have considered that option. It gets mighty cold here in the winter months. A warm vacation would be sweet!
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
ahhh but I hear your summers are lovely. Must help get you through the winter.
We do have an occasional ice storm (super bowl last year). Should you ever decide to come give me a shout. I will be your weathergirl
Lol! I love your humor! I will indeed give that serious thought!