I'm Pretty Cheesed At the Lack of Respect - Part I

Prowordsmith's Avatar
If you're not into reading a rant that's directed at The Girls, close the window and move on. I've put on my fire retardant Nomex undies and am prepared for the White Knights and apologists to come creeping out of the woodwork to tell me what a jerk I am and how pristine The Girls are.
But look deeply, guys, into your own experiences. I can't be the only Monger to have encountered the actions I have in my 5 years of playing on this wrong side of the fence.
Ladies, look at your own method of treating we customers. Is there improvements that might be made? Make them and your stock will probably shoot up!
If you just don't care, move along as well.

I have just returned from a fruitless afternoon trying to meet, for the first time, a young lady from right here on ECCIE. First time I tried, she said she was going to the beach for her birthday. Found out later she didn't go. Okay, no harm to me therefore no foul.
Earlier in the week I set up an appointment for this afternoon at 100PM. Checked in with her yesterday to reconfirm...all okay. Checked in with her this morning to re-reconfirm...yes, we're on but could we move it to 200PM. Sure. She was driving back from Austin. Around noon she texted that she was going to leave Austin in about 10 minutes. She then asked if we could move the appointment to 230PM. Sure.
I asked her to text me when she left Austin.
Never got a response to that.
Left for her incall about 145 (had to pick up a bottle of champagne and a card for the donation). Got to her place about 240 and texted her asking if she had gotten home. "No" was the reply, traffic was terrible.
And that was the last text I got from her despite
asking where she was...
asking for her input on what she'd like me to do...
then telling her I was bailing at 300PM unless I heard from her.

So is that the way some if The Girls show respect for US?
My time is worth something too and I wasted over an hour of my afternoon because:
A.) She can't plan a previous appointment well time wise
B.) She has little to no respect for my time or the fact that I made rescheduling efforts to accommodate her.
C.) She is financially well enough off that she doesn't need the $450 I agreed to pay for two hours of her time.

Hiow about another couple of examples of really horrible attitude...
One lady I'd seen a lot during the Spring of 2014 and a great time with disappeared. Then earlier this year she reappeared to my delight.
Set up sn appointment at the incall she always used. On the appointed day was 3/4ers of the way there - on-time - I received a text from her saying she couldn't make it, her child had pink eye. She apologized, told me to choose another date as a makegood. I did picking later on that week, if I remember well.
So I appeared at the appointed time (same ol' incall) and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Texted her as to what was going on. Never heard from her.
A genuine NCNS.
Another classic example of NO RESPECT. For my time, her previous, I supposed, lie. For knowing when she "apologized on the first disapointment that she wasn't going to keep the appointment.
Nor have I ever heard from her since.
Oh, I did hear from the lady that runs P411 when I emailed her about the situation and told he I sent the young lady an email.
Surprise, surprise...seems like P411 reads ALL the emails to the ladies!!
I use use some strong language and described the young in some less than pleasant terms.
The P411 lady after reading the email, wrote me threatening ME with expulsion because I called the young lady on her dreadful actions and lack opr respect and responsibility.

Another one? Sure thing!
Made and appointment with a lady I'd know and played with several times, confirmed day before and then, on the day OF, received a short, terse ECCIE PM that she wasn't going to keep the appointment that afternoon.
No something like that isn't normal for this lady. And in an ongoing dispute she was involved in last year, I heartily defended her feeling the reason she was being "attacked" wasn't right.
I sent her an PM shortly after that asking if I'd done something wrong or if something had gotten misconstrued. I also questioned why, when she cancelled, she didn't offer a makegood date as she had in the past.
No answer to this date.
I'd name names but I have no need to cast these ladies under the proverbial bus. Two of them are still around...one has disappeared again.

Okay...I've got more to say on the subject of LACK OF RESPECT FOR THE GENTLEMEN CALLERs, but I'm tired by this rant and I want to go drown my sorrows in several glasses of gin and some really nasty internet porn.

Stay tuned for the Second Installment!
The "proverbial bus" doesn't have to be a hateful one. It is how you generate accountability if nothing is done to correct the issue. As with any business, when there is a lack of accountability, you will see a decline in the level of, pardon my French, "how many shits are given".

I hope you have better experiences in the future.

Chincho's Avatar
Go drown your sorrows at a strip club and a lady might cheer you up!!
There are 2 words that you use repeatedly in your rant that go a long way to explain your dismay: "young lady.". The younger the lady, the proportionately less reliable she will be. Period. It is a physiological fact that the human brain is still developing through about age 24, and maturity is something that comes along at it's open separate pace. If you're going to play with the young'uns, then you are at risk of falling victim to their irresponsibility. To expect anything else is irresponsible of you, and I suspect deep down that you know this and you're more pissed at yourself than at them.
Very unfortunate..however these days there just seems to be a general lack of respect all the way around. Hobbysists-Providers and vice versa. All around in the RW as well..its a different generation-day & time or how ever you choose to coin it. Very unfortunate,I was taught respect PERIOD �� Originally Posted by CashmereLove
For Sure !! TWO thumbs up on that Cashmere !
Without names you just sound like a crybaby
Grow a pair and call them out if you're going to rant.
Prowordsmith's Avatar
PDid - yeah I do use the term "young ladies" a lot. And yes, I do tend to like the under 25 demographic of Providers. Something I've been cursed with all my life. But then, to some degree, I apply the appellation to all the female cast of Providers. If for no other reason than the fact that I am at least twice as old as any of them...everyone's younger than me!

If that is a trait more common than not to today's 18-24 year olds (there's a standard age demographic for you!), I am really glad, Cashmere, I will have departed this mortal coil by the time the become the ones who guide the rest of the population.

Without respect for and among one another, I fear chaos will reign.

When something akin to what I've been experiencing happens to them, damn we sure hear about "disrespecting" them. I guess in this Age of Entitlement it's to be expected that they will see all arrows pointing somewhere other than themselves.
Without names you just sound like a crybaby
Grow a pair and call them out if you're going to rant. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Goddamit! This is the second time that I agree with RR in a week. Fuck!
^^ at least it's Friday
Prowordsmith's Avatar
RockerRick...in response to your elegantly phrased comment...I do not feel like people should be pillaged for lack of a social grace. Perhaps they, and others, will recognize the trait and see to make changes to make them more enjoyable and reliable people to know.

By the way, my pair of balls were confirmed in 1975 when the members of my engine crew dug me out of the concrete and steel stairwell when the multistory building collapsed as we were fighting a two-alarm fire. I was their lieutenant. I was where I was supposed to be...INSIDE assessing the firefighting attack.
We were a department that fought fires from the inside OUT...not from the outside trying to save the foundation.
Any time you wanna match balls, you let me know.
Many good points above.. we are in a "Disposable" era, hell how many have new cell phones every 6 months.. it carries over to many aspects of a "young person's" life... Many people think there is NOTHING wrong with being late-- I am not talking 5 or 10.. all they needs is an excuse (good or bad) and they are off the hook. Etc...etc...etc
By the way, my pair of balls were confirmed in 1975 when the members of my engine crew dug me out of the concrete and steel stairwell when the multistory building collapsed as we were fighting a two-alarm fire. I was their lieutenant. I was where I was supposed to be...INSIDE assessing the firefighting attack.
We were a department that fought fires from the inside OUT...not from the outside trying to save the foundation.
Any time you wanna match balls, you let me know. Originally Posted by Prowordsmith

Any time you wanna match balls, you let me know. Originally Posted by Prowordsmith
The evidence is in and it appears mine are bigger!
Prowordsmith's Avatar
He named a name!
What massive balls.
Look the kids are using them as a piņata!
You familiar with the term passive aggressive?
It's when someone pouts and whines when they are to cowardly to confront those they are angry with

I tend to just call it being a pussy.