Ladies and gents, a little perspective for me, please

barryfranken's Avatar
So I'm sure this has been covered before, but I've not found anything on the boards that satisfy my curiosity. I'm especially interested in hearing from you fine ladies, because I'm mystified and I think you can give me perspective.

I recently set up a get together with a reputable woman, fantastic reviews on TER and a couple here, long track record of being awesome, actually listed at #16 on TER for her metro. I contacted her Friday for a Monday appointment, she checked me out on P411, a couple messages back and forth, everything seemed just fine. She said she'd send me info Monday morning.

Monday at noon rolls around and I contact her via P411 for details. Maybe something happened, maybe she meant to send it and didn't, who knows. 30 minutes before the appointment, I sent her an email at an address listed on her site and one of her message board profiles. Nothing.

I was very polite, even asking if she was ok.

No call, no show.

Interestingly, she posted an ad on Monday morning on TER. She even made mention of being dependable. Weird.

Now, I know I just need to move on and be thick skinned. No biggie. But she, with so many fantastic reviews and reputation, and I, with several recent OKs on P411, with nothing sketchy or rude coming from my end, I'm wondering what might have happened.

What makes you NCNS and then just disregard any contact from us? What's the usual rationale, if any?
barryfranken's Avatar
Aaand somehow put this on the wrong board. Please move or delete.
Solemate62's Avatar
Right or wrong board just forget it and move on. Too many fine and dependable gals out there to waste words and concerns over this one! I've had this once or twice and there's no perspective to seek! Put her on your Black list and book yourself with a winner!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, to begin with, what you might be looking for is only an illusion created by the male mind searching for answers where none exist.

Women are notorious for being illogical and emotional creatures.

God love them.

. . . Just be cool and she might buzz you later explaining what emergency happened like her dog had puppies or maybe she just had to rearrange her sock drawer.