The upcoming presidential debates

What are your predictions on what's going to happen?
What are your predictions on what's going to happen? Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
I predict I’ll get second hand embarrassment watching both of them.
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I predict I’ll get second hand embarrassment watching both of them. Originally Posted by Charley3
winn dixie's Avatar
My prediction is that trumpf will not abide by the debate rules and make a mockery of it. Nor will trumpf talk about any real governing. His weak spot .
Biden will shit himself
Trump will agree to the debates on the terms that Biden offers them - closed doors, no audience.

Then he will say something stupid like 'no I need an audience' or something.

They will refuse, because they already agreed upon the terms.

Trump will say that they are rigging the debate to show him in a bad light

Biden will show up and answer a few questions. Trump won't show up, claiming that the dems are out to get him.

Something something Biden wins (the debate) by default.

However if Trump does attend, he isn't going to abide by the rules and is going to shit himself from trying to scream over his muted microphone because he went over time, or he wants to chime in on Biden's time to answer a question.

End of the day, Biden is going to act reasonable and Trump, like usual, will act like nothing more than a bone spur dementia manchild.
Trump will agree to the debates on the terms that Biden offers them - closed doors, no audience.

Then he will say something stupid like 'no I need an audience' or something.

They will refuse, because they already agreed upon the terms.

Trump will say that they are rigging the debate to show him in a bad light

Biden will show up and answer a few questions. Trump won't show up, claiming that the dems are out to get him.

Something something Biden wins (the debate) by default.

However if Trump does attend, he isn't going to abide by the rules and is going to shit himself from trying to scream over his muted microphone because he went over time, or he wants to chime in on Biden's time to answer a question.

End of the day, Biden is going to act reasonable and Trump, like usual, will act like nothing more than a bone spur dementia manchild. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
... And with ALL THAT - Trump will STILL Win the debate!
(Hey mate - Glad to see you back-around here - really!)

#### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-15-2024, 06:31 PM
CNN is not allowing notes, Joe is doomed.

I'd love to see the lineup of what hid handlers will have him on?
I think I saw there will be one or 2 commercial breaks during the debate . Biden's doctors will have to pump him up on drugs and if time allows , give him a blood transfusion with high infused oxygen .

Of course they will have to find a way to carry him off the debate stage once the live feed goes dark and moderators slip out .
... Got a debate question of me-own... Are they gonna allow
any ear-pieces or anything like that??

... Just want to make certain the Joe Biden don't got anyone
"whispering in his ear" with answers to questions or things
to say - and the same goes for Trump!

#### Salty
My hope is that the ceiling collapses and crushes everyone.
It’s hard to imagine where some of these opinions come from, especially after watching Biden fumble around for several years. He may have been able to bungle through a debate years ago, but not anymore. This is why his handlers insisted on such a highly controlled format. A real debate, one where a person could make an actual decision on the competency of the candidates, would be to put them on a stage, throw out a topic and let them discuss it amongst themselves for 15 minutes or some other predetermined time. This will never happen. The glaring difference in energy, mental capacity and grasp of the issues is too stark for Biden’s people to allow them to be on full display. They couldn’t flatly deny doing a debate, so came up with a format that will minimize his exposure.
A lot of good predictions lol. I predict Biden displaying himself as incapable of having a real conversation at some point but it will be overlooked by trump refusing to abide by the rules. So Dems will think Biden won and reps will think trump won.
It’s hard to imagine where some of these opinions come from, especially after watching Biden fumble around for several years. Originally Posted by Rhubarb1216

Everyone here is cooked.

If you watch Faux News, Biden is a moron with dementia. Because they cherry pick the videos where he trips over his words.

If you watch any other news, Trump is a moron because he is a moron.

A recent poll showed that a very small fraction of people who are registered as Republican are unaware that Trump is now a Convinced Felon.

The debates are going to be a shit show no matter who's side you are on.
CNN is not allowing notes, Joe is doomed.

I'd love to see the lineup of what hid handlers will have him on? Originally Posted by Devo
What is a hid handler?