I missed

clicking on a thrAD title and

hit the posters handle under the title instead

funny thing is a diferant member profile with diferant handle showed up

I found it when I went back and realized it wasnt the same profile as the handle listed under the title

so I clicked on the handle again a few times and the same thing hapenned every time

you cant get to that persons profile by clicking on their handle under the title

what causes this phenomena? thanks

its an older members handle and the profile that appears is a person that just joined today
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-28-2013, 07:06 PM
Not sure I follow. Which post and which person are you referring to?
GP..read your pMS....ha ha always wanted to say that,,,hehe
offshoredrilling's Avatar
GP has pms,,

errrrrr ok that is far to far into girl land for a guy