Who means greater harm to US middle class - pig democrats or North Korea?

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Legit question.
Legit question. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
You still believe the gop is for the little guy and isnt bought by corporate america ?

gop senators refuse to raise corporate taxes to pay for infrastructure bill, but agree on taxes for fuel and mileage.

Dems, party of the wealthy want a 39.6% capital gains tax after 1 million in profits, want to raise the corporate tax to 28%, want to give families 300$ per month per kid, for ever.

i have no clue what north korea wants to do to the middle class, only know the gop would like to divide the wealthy from the slaves. There is no middle class in the GOP

on a side note: thank god theres only one generational group thats a majority with the GOP 1924-1936... @ 72% registered republicans

Thanks god we only need to wait this statistical anomaly out until the GOP is gone for good.


Trump was a one time anomaly, he attracted votes from both sides until he got elected and made the choice to only do the work of the minority party.
Yes, Dem's want the rich to pay more taxes. All of the rich except themselves.


lilylivered's Avatar
libtards are the biggest threat
Yes, Dem's want the rich to pay more taxes. All of the rich except themselves.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/john-...000-b_n_656985 Originally Posted by big daddio
I thought the GOP sheep praise creative tax returns, the conman himself didnt pay taxes or release his returns any year he was in office.

Its ok for our guy, its bad for your guy.... this is what you get with uneducated people, they can't find a value and stand behind it.
The old saying: "If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain."
I thought the GOP sheep praise creative tax returns, the conman himself didnt pay taxes or release his returns any year he was in office.

Its ok for our guy, its bad for your guy.... this is what you get with uneducated people, they can't find a value and stand behind it. Originally Posted by bf0082

Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

Perhaps your "educated" mind can show me where my post even hinted at "Its ok for our guy, its bad for your guy"
Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

Perhaps your "educated" mind can show me where my post even hinted at "Its ok for our guy, its bad for your guy" Originally Posted by big daddio
if its legal, its not really hypocrisy, be like faulting someone who thinks green lights should be 4 way stops, but drives through all green lights.

doesn't mean they still dont think green lights shouldnt be 4 way stops.
That's is the dumbest analogy I've ever heard for that situation.

Nothing wrong with Joe doing exactly what the rest of everyone does. But don't condemn someone else for doing something you're doing yourself.

It's interesting to listen to people complain about corporations not paying taxes. Let's not forget the politicians pointing fingers at them for not paying taxes are the same people who gave them years of tax incentives to come to their towns.

Don't blame the corporations for using what the politicians gave them.

If you see nothing wrong with giving families with children or people who make less than 38K / year a monthly allowance from the government, you are a F..in idiot and should never question someone's intelligence again.
That's is the dumbest analogy I've ever heard for that situation.

Nothing wrong with Joe doing exactly what the rest of everyone does. But don't condemn someone else for doing something you're doing yourself.

It's interesting to listen to people complain about corporations not paying taxes. Let's not forget the politicians pointing fingers at them for not paying taxes are the same people who gave them years of tax incentives to come to their towns.

Don't blame the corporations for using what the politicians gave them.

If you see nothing wrong with giving families with children or people who make less than 38K / year a monthly allowance from the government, you are a F..in idiot and should never question someone's intelligence again. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
this makes absolutely no sense, I literally got dumber reading this. I can't tell if you are agreeing or disagreeing with anything said and by whom. Any way to clear this up, thanks.

you saying trumps tax returns were legal, because i think its been blatantly obvious he is facing legal challenges to his tax deductions, im not aware of any pending litigation on Biden, which would be why I said legally.

I don't agree with giving families $300 per kid, but it proves the dems are more focused on the middle class than the GOP.

Federal Taxes are a huge difference from local and state, I'd try and learn why before bringing up tax incentives to open in states. It's disgusting to say the GOP is for small business and they lower the corporate rate. You cant be for the little guy, while stepping on their neck to open the door for Corporate America.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Am waiting for the first idiotic democrat party policy decision supporting middle class American citizens that exists.

I'm an individual who supports both the founding fathers (including John Jay and Alexander Hamilton) along with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams (pretty much THE Ohio State University and scumbag racists like Dwayne Haskins (sp)) and waddling Jerry Nadler Nadler reflexively despise) but wtf.

Little people think litlle thoughts, known this since the mid 70s.

The left believes in destroying the underpinnings of the American Constitution and simultaneously tries to sell you the integrity and the value of the bullshit that "black and brown" idiots, sold to you by Joy Reid and Auntie Maxine, are selling you morons.

To you I say gfy.

Actually GFY.

Vol Bobby Sands died for yor sins approx 40 years ago.

Self hating democrat party pieces of shit will instead tell you 5/5 was the was the day the burrito was invented.

NBT says gfy.

You're welcome & no charge.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Am waiting for the first idiotic democrat party policy decision supporting middle class American citizens that exists.

I'm an individual who supports both the founding fathers (including John Jay and Alexander Hamilton) along with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams (pretty much THE Ohio State University and scumbag racists like Dwayne Haskins (sp)) and waddling Jerry Nadler Nadler reflexively despise) but wtf.

Little people think litlle thoughts, known this since the mid 70s.

The left believes in destroying the underpinnings of the American Constitution and simultaneously tries to sell you the integrity and the value of the bullshit that "black and brown" idiots, sold to you by Joy Reid and Auntie Maxine, are selling you morons.

To you I say gfy.

Actually GFY.

Vol Bobby Sands died for yor sins approx 40 years ago.

Self hating democrat party pieces of shit will instead tell you 5/5 was the was the day the burrito was invented.

NBT says gfy.

You're welcome & no charge. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Damn, this is a great post. Especially the paragraph on how the left shits on the Constitution while pretending it's a noble cause.
I've never heard of Vol Bobby Sands, I'll have to do a search.
Jerry Nadler is a perfect example of what I dislike most about democrats and politicians in general.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Bobby Sands has been nauseatingly co-opted by the left, even in Ireland, but in fact and in reality is a hero of the Irish Catholic minority which inthe 1970's and early 1980's were a pariah.

Idiotic democrats will try as hard as they can to claim our heroes, they even do this in Ireland which is an utter disgrace to 800 years of our martyrdom.

Fuck them

My pre-adolescent daughter knows far better.

You're far too patient with these ignorant leftist enablers Willie.
rooster's Avatar
Damn, this is a great post. Especially the paragraph on how the left shits on the Constitution while pretending it's a noble cause..... Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Ain't it though! That's sum deep, well thought out shit....

Ackshully....it's just riffin and repeatin the same ol' GOAT-like nonsense. Next post will likely plagiarize what Tuck said about callin CPS if you see a kid playing with a mask on.

I'll bet Arthur Griffith is glad he's dead.
