Is business that good.

Got turned down for being 50 and body mass not in proportion.
Oh, Well more money to spend on others.
Two months ago at 49 she would have laid me. LOL
So, how much do you weigh ??
I think it's got more to do with your weight than your age!!
TexasFlip's Avatar
At least you weren't turned down because it was too small....
The escort who turned you away is quality, IMHO. She obviously knows her limits and who she's able to provide a good session to while maintaining her sanity. A bad escort would've taken your money and given you a crappy session. Sucks to be turned down, but better that than a bad session.
Got turned down for being 50 and body mass not in proportion.
Oh, Well more money to spend on others.
Two months ago at 49 she would have laid me. LOL Originally Posted by BossyWillson
Well that sucks because soon I will be 50 myself!

These gals need to realize just because we have a little around the waist, doesn't mean we don't know how to have a good time!!!

Plus, there are not many sugardaddies out there who are svelt!

Think about that now gals!

Hard to believe that a provider would turn someone down because they are 50, but each his own. I guess i find it weird since i mostly see over 50!!
Grabazz's Avatar
I wouldn't worry about it. I've not experienced age discrimination yet and when I do that will be the end of my hobby days.
Maybe she's just flakey.
dogsmack's Avatar
Looks like I'm headed back to the gym.
Got turned down for being 50 and body mass not in proportion.
Oh, Well more money to spend on others.
Two months ago at 49 she would have laid me. LOL Originally Posted by BossyWillson
This is what I do not understand about providers....If you have clean hygiene, have the proper "donation", respect the provider's time and treat her like a lady, it should not matter how old you are or how "large" you are. You are paying them, they are not paying you! True, you chose who you want to see, based on references, ect. The hobbyist chose you, out of all the providers out there,iIt is only an hour that you have to "fake" like they are #1 and stroke their ego, if you cannot at the very least do that, you need to get out of the business of providing.

I have received PMs, emails and texts from providers that are "hurting for money", I have even seen threads about some prviders who are in "dire straits" for money and then when you call them up, email, whatever, they do not respond or they take forever to respond. Hell. just this past weekend, I called/emailed/texted SEVERAL providers who posted in the "Weekend Lineup" forum and NOT ONE even bothered to respond to me. I had to go spend my money at the strip club, as I was looking for some fun with my wife gone to her parents.
oglfp12's Avatar
Sucks to be turned down, but better that than a bad session. Originally Posted by Shackleton
I agree. So far I haven't been turned down, but I would prefer it to wasting my limited hobby time and money on someone who is uncomfortable being with me. (Well, maybe many of my providers have been uncomfortable being with me, but at least they did a good job of covering it up.)
  • LynnT
  • 02-14-2011, 08:55 PM
This is what I do not understand about providers....If you have clean hygiene, have the proper "donation", respect the provider's time and treat her like a lady, it should not matter how old you are or how "large" you are. You are paying them, they are not paying you! True, you chose who you want to see, based on references, ect. The hobbyist chose you, out of all the providers out there,iIt is only an hour that you have to "fake" like they are #1 and stroke their ego, if you cannot at the very least do that, you need to get out of the business of providing. Originally Posted by bigdog0311

I agree with this, I personally would of seen you and done my job. I do like em older I am almost 40. Most of my clients have been a bit overweight. Ive had great clients

I know we have the right to choose but.. I dont hurt for appointments or money either, not even close. For me I think its hot to get you hot no matter what you look like. I enjoy giving a nice hard working genuine man big or small a good time. You work hard and I will give you what you need, you chose me.

Dont take offense though, its cool shes picky, thats how she rolls. We each run our business how we see fit. We can in this biz.

Just know not all of us roll like that.
elgato111's Avatar
I am over 60, about average build, not fat and not skinny. I too have been turned down by providers for no reason given except maybe too busy to see me. At least that is what they said after viewing my profile during screening.

I wonder too about the girls that beg for you to come see them and never return your call or pm. But with so many providers, good providers, in this area there is always someone who will take the appointment. And most of the time, not all, the fun is great because I treat them like a lady. Doesn't mean we will "click", just means she will be more receptive to enjoying my company and maybe be willing to see me again.

I have been lucky to have found a provider who has never turned me down in over 2 years, in fact she has even made time for me when she was more available so we would not be rushed. This is because I treat her like a lady and we made a connection which has kept me going back for more.
This is what I do not understand about providers....If you have clean hygiene, have the proper "donation", respect the provider's time and treat her like a lady, it should not matter how old you are or how "large" you are. You are paying them, they are not paying you! True, you chose who you want to see, based on references, ect. The hobbyist chose you, out of all the providers out there,iIt is only an hour that you have to "fake" like they are #1 and stroke their ego, if you cannot at the very least do that, you need to get out of the business of providing. Originally Posted by bigdog0311
I am in agreement here too! OMG! I have been blasted before for saying such and yes, it IS true that it is up to a provider to decide who she will and won't see.

I have NEVER EVER discriminated because of age, size nor anything else and I never will! I also GUARANTEE that I have never given less than my very best to ANYONE I have seen!

I'm sorry that the OP had to experience this but on the other hand, I'm glad for the girls around here that keep my calendar full!
I have received PMs, emails and texts from providers that are "hurting for money", I have even seen threads about some prviders who are in "dire straits" for money and then when you call them up, email, whatever, they do not respond or they take forever to respond. Hell. just this past weekend, I called/emailed/texted SEVERAL providers who posted in the "Weekend Lineup" forum and NOT ONE even bothered to respond to me. I had to go spend my money at the strip club, as I was looking for some fun with my wife gone to her parents. Originally Posted by bigdog0311

I don't understand I have seen this over over and come Monday my PM will be full...
Ranchhand's Avatar
Well I am 6'1", 175lbs, but I am totally screwed, or not screwed if age comes into the equation. I am 65, guess its time for me to just throw in the towel. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted. If I ever got turned down because of age, to be honest, it would bother me a lot. I actually have all my original teeth athough some of them are crowned. I think im a fairly nice guy, but I dont think I want my feelings tampered with by being turned down just because I have lived a long time.