The India Ivermectin Blackout

texassapper's Avatar
Ivermectin Wins in India

Big Pharma is gonna get their cut before the Big guy.

bambino's Avatar
It’s always about the money.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
It’s always about the money. Originally Posted by bambino
Yep! And everyone in the Medical Industry receives "Kickbacks" for "Pushing Their Product and Every RX Filled". Especially the "Latest Product".
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The politicizing of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is a crime against humanity. Hundreds of thousands of lives lost because President Trump said it was good, so the full court press against it had to be put on. Can you imagine being such a fucking scumbag that you’d sacrifice all those lives because some guy you didn’t like might be right about something? The “If Trump cured cancer” meme is reality.

As for money, the drug company gives away way more. The salesmen come in and start handing out everything from pens and notebooks to iPads, not to mention the food. They’ll take the entire office out to expensive restaurants and drop thousands like it’s nothing. Margins on pharmaceuticals must be incredible considering what they spend to promote the product. The schmoozing of doctors and staff is directly responsible for the opioid crisis, they should all be in jail.
  • oeb11
  • 08-14-2021, 08:33 AM
J - You are 'Right" - and teh communsit DPSTs -just as their idol cuomoo - care nothing for human lives.
Just as their Leaders - lenin, Stalin, mao, Putin, Xi - mass murderers all - care nothing for human lives and dignity
it is about control and Money - and teh Communist DPSTs have subverted big business, Big tech, and LSM to their communist Cause

The 'Bigs" think they will survive an be given forgiveness under teh communist revolution they support - They Are Wrong =- they will all be lined up against Walls and Shot Dead by their Communist masters they put into Power.
Cuomo is a documented mass murderer - he should be sent in chains to The ICC - International Criminal Court (ICC)

In 2002, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in The Hague (Netherlands) and the Rome Statute provides for the ICC to have jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
texassapper's Avatar
Can you imagine being such a fucking scumbag that you’d sacrifice all those lives because some guy you didn’t like might be right about something? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Scumbag you say? Why that's pretty much the platform of the Democrats...
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I got Ivermectin prescribed to me by a doctor to use to prevent COVID infection. I've not used it, but I have it.
  • oeb11
  • 08-14-2021, 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Can you imagine being such a fucking scumbag that you’d sacrifice all those lives because some guy you didn’t like might be right about something?

Scumbag you say? Why that's pretty much the platform of the Democrats...

Comment - Agreed - their trump hatred and TDS only gets worse - never heals.

And it is not just Cuomoo - it is the entire party nomeklatura - and the same mnilset of haterd, anti-Semitic racism , and pining for another Holocaust is their ideology

See - Omar/tlaib and their DPST many instances of Anti-semitic hatred .