Houston Bizarre Sex thread

Pistolero's Avatar
Since this seems to be the direction Pgh has headed, here is a Houston thread for you to peruse.

AmishGangster's Avatar
"Pseudonecrophilia - Faking dead. One partner remains quiet while the other has sex with him/her."
-This is already practiced heavily by more than half of Pittsburgh's women of public usage

"Teratophilia - the sexual attraction to deformed or monstrous people."
This is already practiced to some degree by virtually every hobbyist that lives in or travels to Pittsburgh, sometimes by choice, sometimes by having no choice.

In summary:
We aren't headed in that direction P-money, we cleared the path and paved the mother fucker.
Houston. Fuckin amateurs.
eaglehorse's Avatar
Concurr. They are a little behind the times.