
I set an appointment with a provider about an hour later than I wanted to but was working with her schedule, I show up about 3 minutes early and call. She tells me she is not there and that a friend had a problem with a flat tire but she will be there in under 15 minutes and she will call me when she arrives at her incall. After 25 minutes of waiting I leave and send a text saying we will have to just try for another night. 5 minutes later I get a phone call saying she is there, I told her I left already and we will need to try for another day and time and she hangs up. Was I being unreasonable or inconsiderate? What is an acceptable amount of time to have to wait? Whats my time worth?
You had an appointment and it was not met.
That's it.

If anything can be arranged beyond that then it's a bonus for both of you, but once the appointment time is not met then there should be no obligation. Usually, of course, both of you would like it to happen and work it out, but there are times when that is just not possible.

You live to hobby another day.
Common courtesy I think is a 15 minute +/- window. While things can happen that are unavoidable, no one should expect that someone will be able to keep the appointment if you are more than 15 minutes late. It is also common courtesy to inform the other person you will have to cancel instead of string them along.
Sounds like a woman..
DallasRain's Avatar
I am so sorry that happened to you...what she did was wrong and inexcusable.

Hope ya find some fun babe
Sounds like a woman.. Originally Posted by THESHOVA

Excuse me.. Everyone runs into problems, if the lady is over her scheduled time just break the appointment. There is no reason to start getting derogatory toward the opposite sex especially from a guy who has only one review on here in over two years. Keep your opinions to yourself..

"I post this shit because I love looking at these little dudes."
Guest 111116's Avatar
More times than not, the provider is never ready for an appointment at the time agreed upon. Most ask for a 5-10 minute extension, which is reasonable unless you are on a time crunch (like a lunch hour date). If, after 10 minutes, you do not get a response or she is still not ready, I would just leave and ask to reschedule for another time.
Mike1961's Avatar
You have to give her credit for at least calling to tell you she was running late. It's too bad she didn't call to tell you it would be even later than she thought and just rescheduled.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I believe that both sides should allow up to 15 minutes. After 15 minutes reschedule.

Her not calling you after 15 mins and then hanging up on you is irresponsible and unprofessional.

I would personally move on to a different lady.

Providers black list guys for doing that kind of stuff and I'm a firm believer in whats what's good for the goose is good for the gander!
MuffDiver1975's Avatar
Once that 15 minute window had passed she should have contacted you and told you what was going on. Hanging up on you is totally unacceptable. I agree with everyone else that 10 to 15 minutes isn't unreasonable. If you have a tight schedule, let her know when you make the appointment so she can plan to arrive a little early. If she suddenly stops communicating it's not unreasonable to get the hell outta there.
12blue4u's Avatar
Not to state what I consider the obvious did you call or text to let her know you were leaving?
I'm usually working in a tight window. If its something I've set up in advance if anything changes I'm usually going to have to reschedule. But I alway communicate its not going to work because of the changes.
I sent a text to let her know I was leaving, because text was the first form of contact that day with her. She is someone I have spent time with before so I know she uses texting as a form of communication. Text or call would not have made a difference as I no longer had an hour left to spend with her and a half would have been pushing it. It's nice to know I waited an acceptable amount of time