Toledo ideas

Hello everyone, I'm rather new to this board but have been on and around others for a while.
I'm going to be in Toledo early October for the week and was looking for some ideas or recommendations.
Feel free to shoot me something offline or PM.
Thanks for all the info you guys provide. I'm certain what little is posted here has twice as much effort actually put in.

On another nite, anyone heard from Dana lately?
John Bull's Avatar
You might give the guys a bit of a 411 on what type you're looking for?
No, I've not heard from Dana or seen her post for quite a while. She is a member here but isn't advertising. Maybe one of the ladies might know something.
I guess just a few recommendations to spend the time with. I am really not pickey, more interested in someone or something I'm not going to waste my time chasing.
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
I am gonna creampie the lovely Jenny on Broadway when I get back to Toledo.
  • MLG
  • 09-16-2010, 06:18 PM
Greedo-as long as u have references, I would be happy to back channel u a few names of some reputable ladies. IF I knew your preferences, I could narrow it down......but I can at least help steer u in the right direction.

As far as Dana-I havent seen her post on ANY sites for awhile. I thought she was in the process of moving again tho so maybe she is just busy.