Hobby guys???

justice4fun's Avatar
Is it fair for you to have our number and we as providers do not have yours? Your number is great for screening and if you call block it does not help for reference check. I have a gent thats mad as hell at me because he wrote a review on a provider, I called her and she does not remember him at all!! Now he is PO at me for practicing safe screening. Just a big wow!! Just as you guys rely on reviews of us providers, we must rely providers for reference clearances, anyone agree or disagree??
You should feel free to check any references a client provids to you. Do what ever screening you feel is needed.

Keep in mind, many will see a provider without providing their ECCIE handle. If a provider is on P411, I contact her through that, not here. So, many providers may not know the handle of a specific reviewer. and since we all look like Ben, its hard to tell us apart.
My opinion is that each provider should screen in whatever manner makes her feel safe. It's your body, your business, your choice on what you do to protect yourself.

At the same time, each hobbiest also has the choice on what they do and do not feel comfortable providing in regards to information given during screening.

To sum up, if both parties feel comfortable with the screening process, then make the appointment and have a great time. If one or the other does not feel comfortable, then move on as there are plenty of other options out there (for both hobbiests and providers).

Not bashing the OP as it is a very fair question. I do get puzzled about why so many people can't just accept the process and either schedule or move on.
If you called someone he reviewed and it wasn't someone he used as a reference..and you took it upon yourself to contact the reviewed provider...any number of things could have transpired. You could have just called one of his regular girls who might not be so reference friendly. Or, she could be one of those territorial types, and she told you she'd never seen him just so you won't see him. Maybe he's mad at you, because by contacting this lady, she's now upset with him for seeing other providers, who knows. It sounds silly.. but it happens.

As for the first question, "Is it fair for you to have our number and we as providers do not have yours?"... well, yes, I think it's fair. It's fair if it makes them uncomfortable. They should probably go get a hobby phone and not worry so much, though. But with the way providers send out mass text messages and call soliciting appointments like they are selling Avon, I really don't blame the ones who don't want to give out their number...discretion is at an all-time low these days.

To each their own!
justice4fun's Avatar
True but most of the ladies keep guys number for when they call wanting to visit again and or to give a better ref. check. He did not give me refs, he asked to search his reviews, i did just that and she didn't know who he was, now she is saying she knows him an he is now threatening me with a badf review!!!

motocrossman39's Avatar
Don't worry too much Justice, all will be fine dear....I would see you if you were closer! :-)

Hardallnight's Avatar
Most will think that I am insane but I use my regular cell phone when contacting providers. My name appears on caller ID and since I have a very uncommon name it is easy to do a google search. I tried it and came up with my facebook, myspace, classmates and linkedin profiles. From those you can know pretty much everything there is to know about me. Those who are really into research could have my physical address and life history in less than five minutes. Dangerous, yes. But I am very selective about which provider I contact with this method and trust that she isn't going to out me just as I would not out her.
  • PT4ME
  • 11-05-2010, 12:10 PM
He did not give me refs, he asked to search his reviews, i did just that and she didn't know who he was, now she is saying she knows him an he is now threatening me with a badf review!!!

.......so with a "blocked number", "no references" and a lady telling you she did not know who he was, you saw him anyway? (threatening with bad review)

Just color me confused on that one..........

I was "in your corner" on the first post. In this thing we call the "hobby", "RESEARCH" is your best friend and HOWEVER you do it, short of "stalking" is cool by me. Isn't that what "networking, back-channel, IM, PM, chat, etc" is all about? I know I will ask a fellow hobbiest about any lady I know he has seen whether he has posted a review or not, so I do not know why it would be any different for a lady to "check us out" however she see's fit.

As for your "fairness" question, I am not sure "fairness" has anything to do with it. That's as bad as asking is it fair that a lady does not do or see "x"..... It is YOUR choice to see or correspond or not, with a gentlemen who will not provide you his phone number. As well as it is OUR choice whether or not we want to provide a lady with our phone number. I don't think "fair" is the right word here. Who cares whether it is fair or not? If you are not comfortable seeing guys who will not give you their phone number, then don't! What's the big deal, I see "no blocked calls, no text msgs, all the time in ads. If you feel that way, just state it and move on, as someone already alluded to, there are lot's of choices in this neck of the woods. As for the gents who get angry at you for assuming such a "position".... fuck 'em, and I am not quite sure how "does not accept blocked calls" equates to a "bad review", seems like some info is missing there.

Why anyone would choose to get "angry" with some ELSES "business practices" befuddles me, unless it is YOUR employer, who gives a shit, just take your business elsewhere.....

If you called someone he reviewed and it wasn't someone he used as a reference..and you took it upon yourself to contact the reviewed provider...any number of things could have transpired. You could have just called one of his regular girls who might not be so reference friendly. Or, she could be one of those territorial types, and she told you she'd never seen him just so you won't see him. Maybe he's mad at you, because by contacting this lady, she's now upset with him for seeing other providers, who knows. It sounds silly.. but it happens.

To each their own! Originally Posted by Dannie

As for the scenario's you illustrate Dannie, I'm thinking all of that should have been thought about before the review was posted.

Just my .02!! (too much caffeine, and not enough pussy I think)

-PT- ... headin' back to the music threads, waaaaay more peaceful!!
I'm with Hard on this one. I use my regular phone but I only see select providers. I do have a hobby phone but I rarely use it. I've only had one provider call me out of the blue but it's only happened once. I'm sure to ask them to not call, they can text me all the want just no calls.
mansfield's Avatar
I use Google voice so you most likely won't see the same number twice. I change it pretty regularly.

P411 is for screening. I trust Gina, no one else.

Didn't know it was supposed to be "fair". If the information I'm willing to give isn't enough, providers can feel free to turn me down, wouldn't hurt my feelings a bit.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Fair? fair? Uh, FAIR?....

If life was fair, then PUSSY WOULD BE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...bwahahah ahaha!!!

..just kidding...hmmm, the irony may be lost on a few here
A provider has to do what makes her comfortable and I see nothing wrong with the way you handled it, Justice. He could still be legit, but you would be taking a chance to assume that. Too bad for him if he is.....but common sense for you to be leery.

And I can really say too bad for him since I know what he missed and it's awesome.
PickUpSticks's Avatar
Always use aliases and call spoofing when attempting to setup an appointment. I usually pick a random name out of the phone book and then call spoof so his land line number will show up on her cell phone.

Too much risk in giving clients real world info or even board handles. You never know when a provider may roll on her clients when popped by le or go psycho out of the blue like some clients.


It's funny when I leave pieces of paper instead of cash in the envelope and the provider calls John Doe (name I looked up in the phone book) using the number that showed up on her phone. Instead of getting my cell phone which I used to call her, she gets the real land line and real John Doe. John Doe's wife answers the phone and the provider tells her all about John Doe's dirty little secrets. While all of this is happening I'm driving down the freeway laughing my ass off that the provider has no way of knowing who I really was!