What in the hell is this place turning into.....

Horsemancummeth's Avatar
The last few weeks it is nothing but constant bashing and arguing. I dont even look forward to geting on here anymore.
Guys, we have the best looking ladies of any city to choose from. Lets walk in there shoes for a day. Sleep with old, fat, and ugly and strange men. And then try to perform at a high level. I know there geting paid and no one is forcing them to do it.But at least lets show them more respect. Dammit, we are adults here. Just because they are providers makes them no less of a lady in my book. I dont care if you disagree. But lets show them a little more appreciation.
And ladies. I know as I have said you have a rough job. But you chooose to do this. So you have to act like you enjoy it and be appreciative of the men that choose to spend there money with you. It is a fact everyone has an off day. So deal with it. Dont be offended if someone writes a negative review. Learn from it and go on.
Neither providers or hobbiest benefit from a pissing session over a review.It only makes both of you look bad. And lets please think before we make a comment or start a thread bashing someone or whining about something.Everyone on here has feelings. We are here to have fun and forget about our outside lives. The ladies here get to make a good living having sex. The men get to have there choice of so many beautifull women that they could never have in reality.We should all be so gratefull.
Then we have the mods. They volunteer there time to try to keep this place happy and safe for all. I cannot invision how hard there job has been lately with everything that is going on.
I realize that I am not a big time poster or reviewer. But I am a member here that trys to contibute in a positve manner. I come here to get away and hang around a great site and visit with friends. I also come here to learn so I can navigate the backroads and not get burned.
This may sound really corny to some. But we have the holidays right around the corner. Can we all try to call a truce and be respectfull to others during these times. We are so fortunate to have such a great site to live out our fantasies. Lets treat the site and each other with due respect.
LOl. your funny. You make me laugh.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-06-2010, 01:32 AM
Between those two avatars, and attitudes.. this is looking like another "basement cat -vs- ceiling cat" <- g**gle it

... both of you go get massages and a good blow job... pronto!
But aren't you bashing the people that are arguing and bashing?


was just this a chance to get in the good graces of the providers? lol..

just messin with ya.. i get what your saying...you want everyone to hold hands and sing kum-by-ya
We all need to get laid....... :-)
Or go to Hooters and have some beer.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Or go to Hooters and have some beer. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I'd rather be bcd with Tara and watch some porn with her, err do some with her, okay, do some while watching some.
Rcoop361's Avatar
Or go to Hooters and have some beer. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Hmmm Tara Evans & Me at Hooters Addison there's a thought!!!
I think a Waitress & Hostess that I share my Oysters with might get very jealous if they are still there, then again that might create a good Fantasy to remember. BTW the Waitress is noted on the my shirt
pyramider's Avatar
Or go to Hooters and have some beer. Originally Posted by Tara Evans

Get laid. What are you thincking?
In6ub9's Avatar
I think you meant " they're ". As in they are.

Or " their".

There .
MacTheKnife's Avatar
I think you meant " they're ". As in they are.

Or " their".

There . Originally Posted by In6ub9
LOl. your funny. You make me laugh. Originally Posted by looiecypher
You missed looie's "your."
Braveheart's Avatar
Happy Holidays Horsemancummeth. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Now, for all you other negative pessimistic pissed off hethen providers and hobbiests, have a sh*t-filled day.

(TEST: Ladies, if you read that as "shit-filled" you are negative today and that's too bad... BUT if you read it as "shot-filled" pm me and we can hook up.)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

(TEST: Ladies, if you read that as "shit-filled" you are negative today and that's too bad... BUT if you read it as "shot-filled" pm me and we can hook up.) Originally Posted by Braveheart
Damn it! That was a dirty trick! LOL

Have a beer and then get laid or get laid and then have a beer or have a beer handy to wet your whistle after all that heavy panting before round two of getting laid. See there...something for everyone.
pmdelites's Avatar
when are you all going to get it!!!!! [note: this is not bashing anybody!!! :^)]

it's "get laid while you're drinking the best fucking beer you've ever tasted."
[note: substitute your favorite libation for "beer" as required].

btw, i got mine. did you?? but i'm not banging anyone. errrr, not bashing anyone.
but that's not what she said while i was drinking my bourbon and diet coke.
Braveheart's Avatar
Damn it! That was a dirty trick! LOL

Have a beer and then get laid or get laid and then have a beer or have a beer handy to wet your whistle after all that heavy panting before round two of getting laid.
Max, can you explain those choices again? Too much thinking for me today! Do you mean that you're on top? I thought it was my turn! Now, where does the bottle of beer fit? OUCH!!! Thank goodness it's a long neck.
