"Indepdendent" Provider

I am thinking that the chat area called: Independent Provider Reviews needs to be changed. It is misleading. Most of us don't know if the providers are truly "Independent". In fact I think the review should have a line tag: Do you think the provider is independent: then the reviewer can offer up some comments on this issue.
  • PT4ME
  • 11-06-2010, 07:30 AM
"Overuled!!" ..... leads to speculation!

Sounds like a great idea, but see above, lol

  • Shaft
  • 11-06-2010, 09:43 AM
It's really not that big of a deal for me. I think most hobbyist just want to know if we're dealing with an Agency or the Lady directly. I'm sure there are preferences both ways. No matter how you label it, you're not going to have 100% accuaracy. The Hobbyist can't know for sure, and can only assume. I'm fine with the labeling as it is. It's good enough for us to make a reasonable decision.
travelling_man's Avatar
I don't think the forum needs to be changed. I think that girls that are NOT independent should not be reviewed in the independent section. We have an agency section here that is far underused. I know the mods are really busy and they are volunteer, but if a review is posted in the wrong forum it should be moved. I suggest we help the mods identify the agency girls (the girls that are not truly independent) and use the RTM feature to help the mods move them to the right forum.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Why don't we just combine ALL reviews into one forum and be done with this whole issue in the first place?

You take money for sex that means you're a provider whether Indy (pimped or not), work in a studio (and move in and out of this category) or a strip club or even the street.

Sure would simplify searches.
Becasue the enviorments are different as are the dynamics in those enviorments.

If I am headed to a SC, I dont want to have to dig through all the other reviews to find info, etc.

Why don't we just combine ALL reviews into one forum and be done with this whole issue in the first place?

You take money for sex that means you're a provider whether Indy (pimped or not), work in a studio (and move in and out of this category) or a strip club or even the street.

Sure would simplify searches. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
It's really not that big of a deal for me. I think most hobbyist just want to know if we're dealing with an Agency or the Lady directly. I'm sure there are preferences both ways. No matter how you label it, you're not going to have 100% accuaracy. The Hobbyist can't know for sure, and can only assume. I'm fine with the labeling as it is. It's good enough for us to make a reasonable decision. Originally Posted by Shaft
I don't think the OP's solution would help a lot because guys are blatantly ignoring the name now when posting reviews, but I assure you an awful lot of the "independents" reviewed here are not the person you are dealing with setting up an appointment. Hell, once I had what was obviously two different parties replying to emails I sent about a session giving me opposite answers. At one point it was like the two were arguing about whether or not the lady was going to be available.
dodger's Avatar
I do enjoy seeing an "independent" provider re-appear in the Welcome Wagon and say, "I'm really independent now!" Yeah ... swell. Fact is, I prefer dealing with independents and the general rule that seems to apply is: The older the provider, the more likely she is to be really independent.

There are a lot of reasons for preferring an independent lady. One is that the communication can be more crisp. Another is that (careful how I say this) it's more likely she is doing what she wants to be doing at that moment. Yes, exceptions can abound ... but I think the "illusion of GFE" is more intact with an independent. So ... shoot me.

It's an intangible .. but I prefer to believe it's between me ... and her. So .. if we can have verified providers ... I'd like to see verified indies, too. Though I do think you can generally figure out through the normal research.
This is getting to be so funny.
You guys all make me laugh.
You all make mountains out of molehills.
yaddayadda's Avatar

Agreed, the best providers are usually around 35 and independent. Lots of good older and younger but as a rule of thumb it works for me.

Lana Warren's Avatar

Agreed, the best providers are usually around 35 and independent. Lots of good older and younger but as a rule of thumb it works for me.

YY Originally Posted by yaddayadda
I'm 7 in dog years, does that count, Yadda? LOL
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-06-2010, 08:53 PM
Yep Yadda 35 and up is great...Lots of good older and younger but as a rule of thumb it works for me.

NO Lana, you're an older women....50........well 49 and a minute.....
I know you hate to hear that phrase: you're an older woman...BUT
get over it.....7 yrs in dog life...lol........AARP is on the way honey..
So you want the staff to police the the hobby to make sure that a prostitute isn't lying to you?


Let's just stick to what is really important and let the guys with no life figure it out for us and they can post about it.

Speaking of what is important...