Sex Slaves: Texas- could it be a problem in Dallas?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Did anyone catch MSNBC Undercover episode on Sex trade in Texas. They mainly concentrated on houston where they stated 1/3 of forced Sex slaves come through Houston and then migrate out to Dallas and other cities.
What was pretty shocking was that they showed some clips of "undercover" agents going online on BP and another website which flashed to quick for me to recognize and basically going undercover to set up females. I was amazed when they showed profiles of 2 girls who I have seen post on Backpage in Dallas which is a reason I avoid that site like the plague.
Majority of the show focused on girls coming up from Mexico and South America being forced to work in Houston. They then mentioned that Houston's main focus was to stop the tafficking and then really going after the Pimps who they sadly is the hardest to catch because of the laws that exist.
The show mentioned that the Houston areas have the largest concentration of pimps, and traffickers and sex slaves.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-08-2010, 12:23 AM
A long time ago, I drove girls who worked for pimps... I wasn't ready to jump in myself quite yet... One of them told me that whenever she was detained by the police they always asked her if she could point out pimps who might have a gun in their vehicles... not drugs.. not guys who have hit them.. a gun. Why IS it so damn hard to get these guys off the streets?
Wordsmith's Avatar
A long time ago, I drove girls who worked for pimps... I wasn't ready to jump in myself quite yet... One of them told me that whenever she was detained by the police they always asked her if she could point out pimps who might have a gun in their vehicles... not drugs.. not guys who have hit them.. a gun. Why IS it so damn hard to get these guys off the streets? Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Just a guess but maybe the can nail the guys for possession of an illegal firearm more than anything else. Maybe that is something that they can make stick easier.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-08-2010, 12:42 AM
Well, that's what I thought..

I guess I just need to research the laws and figure out why it is so hard to nail them for what they are doing instead of a license issue.
Well, that's what I thought..

I guess I just need to research the laws and figure out why it is so hard to nail them for what they are doing instead of a license issue. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

The investigaor on the show mentioned that to arrest the pimps for that actual crime in Harris County, you have actually witness the money change hands between the pimp and an undercover, or the pimp and the girl. Also, the girls are afraid the talk about the pimps at all, so they have not alternative to the above.

Because of this, they have started arresting for weapons, drugs, etc., and imposing fines on the cantinas for things such as building code violations, drugs, liquour licensing, etc. The philosophy is to make it so hard to do their business that it runs them out of business or at least becomes someone else's problem. Sadly enough, this does not solve the problem entirely, but hopefully will drive some of the traffickers out of business.
How do AMPs figure into this picture?
tsrv4me's Avatar
The LE needs to have a charge that will stick in court .........Remember for all of the atrocious crimes Al Capone was charged with ....He was not convicted until they got him on Tax Evasion by the IRS ...thats why they try to get the pimps on other charges ...
wellendowed1911's Avatar
How do AMPs figure into this picture? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Good question Whirlaway- the show pointed out that they have these strips in houston called cantinas and the massage parlors and AMPS were heavily influxed with underage girls and girls who were "forced" into the business.
Anybody have a link......
I saw part of the show. They always try to link the hobby/business with underage girls because that's will get news attention. If it's just regular ladies, less people will pay attention to the news.

It's funny that they found a video on how to be a pimp in one of the vehicle.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 11-08-2010, 12:15 PM
Here is a story about a group operated by Somali gangs: