Specialized Threads and Their Rules

notdeadyet's Avatar
I've never read (horrors!!) the board's "rules" of posting, since most of them appear to be common sense (okay, maybe sense really isn't so common, but I digress) and good manners, so it's certainly possible that my question/observation is answered in those rules. But just in case....

There seem to be specialized threads developing, each with its own set of guidelines. For example, I noticed recently an "apology thread" where postings apparently should be limited to "Mea culpa. Mea culpa. I am soooooo sorry and now I am going to lash myself", and where other comments are not . . . appreciated.

And, today I saw a "supposition thread", which, I supposition, also doesn't cotton to postings other than the particular supposition.

So, what other specialized threads should the board/moderators be considering?
TheBizzer's Avatar
I think it's less about rules and more about common sense, like you stated. Staying on topic, not turning a thread into a personal vendetta, etc.

And as far as the apology thread, if you're talking about my reply to your post, I apologize, I was trying to be humorous, and if I was taking a pot shot it was at the welcome wagon, not at you. My sarcasm can be lost in the written word sometimes, and I always forget to put the damn