political malpractice - Obama doesn't understand clinton

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

obama could not understand the way clinton handled her email mess.

guess he was dumbfounded.
This all goes back to one thing. Some, I suppose President Obama among them, are slow to catch on.

Hillary Clinton is a lying, despicable, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt.

It's really that simple.
Ha ha ha!
Today marks Trump's 3 month anniversary of being sworn in as the Make America Great Again President. I think CNN, MSNBC, etc should just replay the entire inauguration, etc on a loop all day long. Or have Rachel Maddcow read aloud for her loyal viewers choice excerpts from the newly released "Shattered"...all day long.

God, its so great to wake up and celebrate the fact Hillary is NOT Prez. Ha ha ha! The coffee smells and tastes better than ever!
It sure is great to see Judge Gorsuch in his first week at SCOTUS doing his " thang " !
MT Pockets's Avatar
I am not wanting to debate the email right or wrong issue. I do have one question I can not seem to answer. If you are going to send a classified E-mail, do you not have to validate the address before you send it? Has there ever been a case where someone was charged for sending classified documents to a unauthorized address?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

obama could not understand the way clinton handled her email mess.

guess he was dumbfounded. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

he was dumbfounded she was so dumb ..
All 0zombies should get "Shattered" tattooed on their foreheads!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
he was dumbfounded she was so dumb .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
must be a passive-aggressive thing.

when told that they were doing it wrong. they look at you and double double down on what they were doing wrong, determined to get their own way.

people like that can drive anyone nuts.
Clinton was terminally computer stupid and Huma, was just a little bit better but not by much.
The IT person for the Democratic National Committee was a total moron. The Russian hacking was like a bunch of smart 5th graders doing the hacking.