DVet14 trolling providers he has never met.

So it's okay to trash talk women that he admits he never met.
What a pompous ass.
How is this okay. Seriously I heard.
How is this an alert??
Circus Midget's Avatar
How is this an alert??
M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
This guy has gone coo coo for coco-puffs.

Or it's a mandle...
daarakan's Avatar

Even for a review that is 6 months old and so he bumps it?
It ain't no mandle. I heard your girl is a skank...but I don't know...just heard.
Report me...i don't care. What he did is messed up. That is a FACT. NOT SOMETHING I HEARD.
Wiley64's Avatar
Moved to appropriate forum.
Freaking awesome. Mods moved my post. Didn't pull it down and ban me. Super impressed. Thanks.
I am willing to risk my account against cyber bullying of the women here who have been so kind to me.
Rest in piece Bon Scott. Cause when I'm hot...im hot...when I'm not...im not...im cold as ice...