Two men have come before the Senate Committee......"we were the ones"

It seems like the Senate Judiciary Committee is hearing from two men who are swearing under penalty of felony that it was they who attempted to assault Ms Dr Ford some 30 years ago. Not Judge Cavanaugh.

In the light of Judge Cavanaughs vehement denials, does this change anything.

Today, we will see.

It seems like the Senate Judiciary Committee is hearing from two men who are swearing under penalty of felony that it was they who attempted to assault Ms Dr Ford some 30 years ago. Not Judge Cavanaugh.

In the light of Judge Cavanaughs vehement denials, does this change anything.

Today, we will see. Originally Posted by Jackie S
These are brave and courageous men who must be taken seriously.

Hopefully, Avenatti will retract his false claims from the "train" victim and voluntarily surrender his legal credentials.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
YAWN....too bad they dont have the facts and a good story like Christine has. I applaud their efforts to take one for the team but sit back we gots this, strange bed fellows coming out of the wood works I tell ya. Nice to know there are two more rapists out there..we will deal with them later.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
These are brave and courageous men who must be taken seriously.

Hopefully, Avenatti will retract his false claims from the "train" victim and voluntarily surrender his legal credentials. Originally Posted by friendly fred
They’re shills. Can’t you see this is the lady act of a desperate man.

I still expect Kavanaugh to get rammed through.

And I expect it to result in a full flip of Congress in November and the end for Trump and his Turd Reich.

He’s already lost.
Hotrod511's Avatar
They’re shills. Can’t you see this is the lady act of a desperate man.

I still expect Kavanaugh to get rammed through.

And I expect it to result in a full flip of Congress in November and the end for Trump and his Turd Reich.

He’s already lost. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Such a dreamer


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Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-27-2018, 08:43 AM
Yep uncle Thomas will have a bed fellow. Two republican abusers on the supreme court.

It seems like the Senate Judiciary Committee is hearing from two men who are swearing under penalty of felony that it was they who attempted to assault Ms Dr Ford some 30 years ago. Not Judge Cavanaugh.

In the light of Judge Cavanaughs vehement denials, does this change anything.

Today, we will see. Originally Posted by Jackie S

If either of them have proof, then yes it DOES change a great many things. BUT i've yet to see ANYTHING on the news about it.. EVEN when fords testimony's in recess, the media (even fox) seem to do nothing but STILL harp on what was said, what it could mean etc..
MT Pockets's Avatar
How did it go from not happening to someone else did it. LOL! Them Republicans will say anything. Shameless!
They’re shills. Can’t you see this is the sic (last) lady act of a desperate man.

I still expect Kavanaugh to get rammed through.

And I expect it to result in a full flip of Congress in November and the end for Trump and his Turd Reich.

He’s already lost. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I am willing to make that trade if we must. We need Kavanaugh on the court desperately.

The liberals created this playbook that Judges usurp the will of the people, and now that the will of the people is too liberal for the future of America, we need Judges to reassert the constitution where appropriate.

Trump can handle a hostile congress. That might actually set up his reelection. Kavanaugh has been so blistered by this abusive process I hope he will seek revenge on his enemies while on the court and be even more right wing than the Honorable Justice Scalia.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If the lunatic Trump is removed for lunacy, what’s to say his choices of judges weren’t likewise deemed unfit since they were made by a lunatic?

He must not be allowed to expand his power.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
don't think the 2 men will change anyone's mind.
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Why would anyone want to fess up to a felony?
Chung Tran's Avatar
don't think the 2 men will change anyone's mind. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Why would anyone want to fess up to a felony? Originally Posted by obnoxiousram
why not? nobody will charge them with a crime. they are likely Republican operatives, who want to deflect the charges from Kavanaugh to themselves. "sacrifice" like this happens all the time in politics.

but no, nothing will change, because the Committee wants to hurry the process through, despite 2 other accusers, despite the ABA calling for delay. Kavanaugh is worried more shit will come out on him.. I don't see why Avanatti's Brett accuser doesn't hold a press conference or something.. if that charge is worth a damn, press forward.. the Ford hearing shouldn't be the last word.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We’re they the guys wearing Kavanaugh masks?