With their strategic failure will dirty tactics follow?

When they don't get their way we could be seeing violent scenes
like that from the likes of antifa.https://www.redstate.com/joesquire/2...pared-follows/
bambino's Avatar
Brain Fallon tweeted this:

Paging @JoeforIndiana twitter.com/edokeefe…
14 hours ago
We have about 36 hours to try and stop this, America. We need to make this count. twitter.com/LisaDNew…
17 hours ago
cc: @JoeManchinWV twitter.com/guycecil…
17 hours ago
If Senate GOP ignores Dr. Blasey Ford and tries to muscle an attempted rapist onto the Supreme Court: 1. They will pay dearly this November. 2. Senators up in 2020 (Collins, Gardner et al) will feel intense heat for next two years. 3. Kavanaugh will not serve for life.
18 hours ago
Dr. Blasey Ford testified she called the Washington Post tip line after Kennedy retired.
18 hours ago
Notice #3, does he mean he’ll be asassinated? Who knows.
View on Twitter
We;ve already heard of members of that committee, who had death threats, calls saying "WE hope your secretary/daughter/wife gets raped" and the like.. So i can certainly see physical violence following.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is that what you want?
Is that what you want? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I want justice.
Is that what you want? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Didn't you post on another thread that there is no violence on the left...Hummm
P.S. I can post a "link" if you like!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Didn't you post on another thread that there is no violence on the left...Hummm
P.S. I can post a "link" if you like!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Post it! Bring it.

I didn’t say “there is no violence on the left.”

If I posted those words, I’ll apologize.

If I didn’t, then you do so, and stop making unfounded accusations.


I didn’t say “there is no violence on the left.”
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So can we expect violence from the left...
You post it...you own it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

commies discuss ambushes and assasination against political enemies.

they are a sad pathetic group.

checkout the social media that they are on. you'd think they'd be shut down.
How the hell are folks like this, NOT UNDER ARREST for incitement to violence or subversion?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
speaking of dirty tactics, here is a link that provides analysis that this would thing is a calculated gambit to make republican voters stay home. this is ginned up by the Obama partisans. this guy says they are making a major miscalculation.

oh yeah, more details on Ford's scribe yearbook.

The youtube video on that link gone...what do you know!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The youtube video on that link gone...what do you know!! Originally Posted by bb1961

Nope. no censorship here. no media bias. nothing to see. move along.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nope. no censorship here. no media bias. nothing to see. move along. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ain't that the truth! The fucking Left is trying to control the message by way of censorship: 1984
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The youtube video on that link gone...what do you know!! Originally Posted by bb1961

didn't realize it has a link to a video.