So. Would you have sex with a zombie?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
We might wish to consider the idea that zombies could be taking over our society in the near future and be prepared for it.

I watched "Zombieland" this weekend and well, these zombie films are just all over the place. "Zombie Strippers" is a film that I've tried to watch and I have it, but the damn thing isn't working on my DVD player. "Shaun of the Dead" and all of the other films made about zombies do cause me to wonder "why" these are so popular.

Zombies have also entered into rather mainstream literary acceptance with the book, "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls" (Classics: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies) by Jane Austen and Steve Hockensmith, being on a few of the must read lists on the Barnes and Noble site.

So what would you do if you had the opportunity to bed a zombie? Don't tell me that you haven't thought about it. I believe, though, that the ladies here that will only see "cultured, clean, white collar and refined gentleman" might have an issue with them.

I probably wouldn't. I freely admit to appreciating a man a little rough around the edges, but I would be worried that they would rip my neck off. I enjoy a little rough sex at times but this might not work for me. Plus, it would be messy in the bedroom.

Really, though. What gives with all of the zombie stuff going around these days? At least with vampires, you have these GREAT looking men who like to PENETRATE a woman with his teeth. It's a sexually raw concept that turns women on.

With zombies, I don't see a sexual allure ... but then, I haven't watched "Zombie Strippers", yet. And I haven't bedded a zombie ... I don't believe.

They all seem gross and disturbing.

Would appreciate your thoughts!

Did for almost 10 years. She's now staggering across graveyards by herself and I'm gettin' some most nights. God Bless America!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Wouldn't that technically be necrophilia? I'd have to pass, but where's the chain saw?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Did for almost 10 years. She's now staggering across graveyards by herself and I'm gettin' some most nights. God Bless America! Originally Posted by txcwby6
That was funny! I was sortof teasing about the topic but it's interesting to me the reasons why zombies are so popular and have been.

So of course, taking it on a sexual route seemed normal enough.

Thanks for your response!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wouldn't that technically be necrophilia? I'd have to pass, but where's the chain saw? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Not sure to the first question. Perhaps someone like Woody Harrelson would know! Aren't they somehow "undead" and so the term wouldn't work? According to "The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead" it's a type of virus they have. But I really didn't read the book, just the synopsis. So I may be incorrect.

txcwby, you beat me to it! I was going to say that I am pretty sure I HAVE bedded a zombie before! LOL!

Seriously, (really? seriously?) I think it would be WAAAAYYYY too messy PLUS t he fact that they would probably kill me and eat what's left of my brains.

I'm afraid this is one scenario I am going to have to pass on. I thought Zombieland was a great film though!

EW, you are TOO much girl!
It's all fun and games until someone gets shot pretending to be a zombie.

"Purell Anyone?"
Guest012211-3's Avatar

My three fears in life: Ghosts, Zombies and standing heights!

I'm the proud owner of the Zombie survival guide, should the undead invade us...really, I'm prepared.
I'm the proud owner of the Zombie survival guide, should the undead invade us...really, I'm prepared. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
It's always good to be prepared. Reminds me of another good survival guide.

"As a society, i feel that we are inadequatly protected against raptors

i have enclosed in this poast, a quick howto guide on raptor proofing your school or place of work

step 1. Securing Doors:

REMOVE ALL door HANDLES as the raptor can easily manipulate these to get inside your building and eat you. Purchase several doorknobs to replace the handles, raptors cannot operate these because they lack opposable thumbs.

step 2. Windows:

Remove glass panel windows and replace them with polymethyl methacrylate (plexiglass) panels. These have a significantly higher impact resistance than typical glass. When raptor proofing your house, remember that if you can see a raptor, it can see you, but it cant claw its way through good, solid, plexiglass.

step 3. Securing the perimeter:

The first two steps focus on protecting the building itself, but what of the perimeter? it is imperitive to keep raptors as far away from you as humanly possible. To secure the perimeter, we will use a combination of passive obstacles, active obstacles, and shotguns. Consider fencing off the perimeter with chickenwire or razorwire. Now we will be planting landmines in a grid-like pattern like so

note the safety zone, it is imperitive to leave an escape route in the likely event that your base is overrun by raptors. This covers both passive and active obstacles, now for the manual firepower. I recommend the semiautomatic shotgun for handling the more cunning (CLEVER GIRL!) raptors that have bypassed your other defensive measures.

step 4. Provisions:

In the highly unlikely case that the raptors mount a 6-12 month siege, provisions must be stocked to stave off hunger and keep your base up and running. Provisions should be canned, non perishable, consisting of approximatly 35% beer, 30% beans, 20% pizza rolls (be sure to can the pizza rolls), 40% milk (canadians make sure to get bagged milk), 28% campbells tomato soup, and 4% corn (canned of course). Store several tons of these provisions underground in a refridgerated.

step 5. Plan B:

Certain raptor-man battles are unwinnable. While it is difficult to accept, you may be required for the good of our species, to sacrifice yourselves in the event that the raptors do bypass your defenses and overrun your base. If they are in your base, killing your doods, the only course of action is the activation of a hydrogen bomb strategically placed in an inconspicuous location (just stick it in a water heater). This may seem extreme, but consider this. If your base does fall to raptors, imagine the consequences, should the raptors acquire your provisions and weapons

we're fvcked, pretty much"
I was sort of teasing about the topic but it's interesting to me the reasons why zombies are so popular and have been. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
The first popular zombie movie in the U.S. was "Night of the Living Dead" - George Romero's black-and-white horror movie shot in Pennsylvania. It's laughable now, but at the time it was the ultimate in horror, featuring gore that had not been seen before in mainstream theaters. I think the reason that the zombies struck such a chord with audiences was twofold:

1. They were weak, slow and easy to kill - but there were so many of them that EVENTUALLY you would find yourself cornered and EATEN by them.

2. They used to be US - your friends, your neighbors, you family - now clamoring to eat your guts.

The zombie genre was given a shot in the arm by "28 Days Later" - when suddenly the zombies were not dead, but diseased, pissed off and able to RUN. That made them really scary, because they could run a 4-second 40.

Later, "Dawn of the Dead" was re-created and is in my opinion the best zombie movie ever.

Our familiarity with zombies made it easy to write comedies about them - both "Shaun of the Dead" and "Zombieland" are not to be missed!

BUT, Elizabeth - I wouldn't want to fuck one. Perhaps I'm a prude...
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
i'd have to see some pix first. and maybe a couple positive reviews.

Hot Topic...
Of course however, it will cost someone...
Torito's Avatar
My first ex. I was there 24 years and after the first 4, she was a zombie. Then I Luckily escaped.

JPdM just made me do a coffee spit.

Nice one.
GneissGuy's Avatar
It's all fun and games until somebody's brain gets eaten.