you know what really grinds my gears?

Potential clients who don't have p411 or references and try to reason with me to see them.

"I'm not LE, I swear"
Oh so because you say you aren't, you must be telling the truth? Cops never lie, right?

"I'm a really nice guy, trust me"
Wait, I should trust you? I don't know you at all! You could be a serial killer who wants to chop my body to pieces and mail me to Abu Dhabi.

"Can't you make an exception??"
Can't you understand that my policy is that you MUST have references??

It really is no secret that MOST providers require screening to some extent. In fact, in every single one of my ads I put out, I make sure clearly state that you MUST have p411 and/or 2 reputable references.

This is for MY protection. I have already been assaulted/robbed once and that happened even AFTER the guy was screened, so us providers can never been too careful.

I recieved a very angry/rude email from a potential client saying he refused to pay $70 to sign up for p411 because that was ridiculous and if I wanted his business that I should take the $70 off my rate.

Wow. That is all I have to say about that.

So gentlemen, please don't be frustrated with us that we like to screen. If you are reading ads on eccie, don't act caught off guard that we ask for references, it's standard procedure!

Sorry had to vent

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and has some eXXXciting plans for the weekend!!

lots of love
Don't ever compromise your safety....ever. If someone won't respect your screening requirements, then they likely won't respect you either. Not the type of client you want anyway.
Well you are a beautiful young lady. Girl they saw your breast and had to attempt a meeting Sorry you got the nasty email. Im sure they are plenty of gents to follow your rules to make up for the one nasty gentlemen.

70 dollars off your rate huh...unbelievable. Isn't there a free trial membership for p411, i thought i remember reading that somewhere.

Hope your Friday and weekend is sweet. *hug*
Yeah...but what if the dude has really chill ninja kitties...?! Surely that's better than any damn provider reference?
Yeah...but what if the dude has really chill ninja kitties...?! Surely that's better than any damn provider reference? Originally Posted by Neotek
i miss your kitties!!!! and you too of course
Abu Dhabi?? The postage alone would be more than your current special. Most psychotics are reasonably cost-conscious. Most likely, they'd employ the "Dexter" method and use one of the local lakes.

Seriously though, I don't have P411 and have never had too much of a problem, as long as you use two pretty well-known provider names. Of course, a newbie is gonna have trouble with that.
pyramider's Avatar
Why sweat it? If the fucktard cannot play by the rules that are set he does not get to visit. Seems pretty simple to me.
you know what really grinds my gears?
Missing the clutch when you shift?

( I know... being a smart ass. It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it. )
gregory_m2003's Avatar
Missing the clutch when you shift?

( I know... being a smart ass. It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it. ) Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
hee hee.. good one..
1thatgotaway's Avatar
Those guys are what we call Douche Bags!

Don't compromise for anyone.
Why sweat it? If the fucktard cannot play by the rules that are set he does not get to visit. Seems pretty simple to me. Originally Posted by pyramider
Well, if she's like me then she isn't sweating the stupid questions. Any job that deals with the public means you run across that segment of the public that's a drooling fucking moron.

What I sweat is that I can't just say, "Bitch, are you for real? No. Why are you even asking?" Not even when they call at a quarter past three in the morning to ask if dropping trousers on webcam counts as a reference. Because then they might go in the ML and tell everyone I'm an uppity bitch with a GPS attitude problem. You know those stories never start out with, "So, I called her in the middle of the night - hey, she's running a business here so I don't know why that'd be a problem..." **

On the bright side, I've now learned there are ever so many ways to say, "No, go fuck yourself" in a polite and sweet manner. Lacks a certain sense of satisfaction at swearing at them would give, thus venting. Plus, it's funny.

I recieved a very angry/rude email from a potential client saying he refused to pay $70 to sign up for p411 because that was ridiculous and if I wanted his business that I should take the $70 off my rate.

Ack, Jamie, I bet you feel better now. So, what's this about ninja kitties?

** True story.
So, what's this about ninja kitties? Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway

That...would be about me. My two ninja kitties is the only thing Chuck Norris and his beard fear.
swwaustin's Avatar
Not even when they call at a quarter past three in the morning to ask if dropping trousers on webcam counts as a reference. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
I think that may be the funniest thing I have read on here to date...
DFK Hunter's Avatar
That...would be about me. My two ninja kitties is the only thing Chuck Norris and his beard fear. Originally Posted by Neotek

When ninja kitties attack!
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Neotek and DFK Hunter,
I'm glad to know I'm not the only dude that's a cat owner/lover on here. No pussy jokes please!

Back on topic, there is probably a major douchebag for every 3 nice guys. Some jackasses think they get a major exception if business if slow.