Getting back in the game...

BobRoberts's Avatar
So here's my dilemma, I've been around for a long time but have been UTR almost all of that time. I have two ancient okays on P411.

Lots of new faces around here, so not sure who is willing to give me a pass or would I be better off meeting a lovely lady at one of the get togethers and going from there?
Hawkeye9's Avatar
I would just look at the girls on 411 and center the ones that say Newbie friendly
BobRoberts's Avatar
well, I guess I could have looked for the obvious path... doh!
aguila's Avatar
Evolov, If either of the two ladies who gave you the "ancient" okays are still around, you might contact them. They might be willing to see you again and update your okay.
BobRoberts's Avatar
yeah, I'm attempting that with one of them.

I'll peruse 411 also.
chipper's Avatar
Since you have P411 you might also check out Private Connection. They have some great Ladies.