Another simple question: Will the DOJ prosecute Zimmerman?

Never happen. They'll pander to the black activists (Holder already started that process) but there is simply no admissible evidence that Zimmerman targeted Martin because of his race. Or, at least not the sort of evidence that allows you to get a hate crime conviction.

The prosecutors in Florida already made fools of themselves by overreaching and over-charging Zimmerman due to political pressure. Holder and the DOJ are a lot of things but stupid and in need of further embarrassment isn't one of them.

There will be no federal charges. The investigation will continue for a good long while and in 8 or 10 months there will be a quiet press release/announcement on a late Friday afternoon stating that no charges will be filed.

Which is as it should be.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2013, 02:24 PM
No follow up except Holder is looking into stand your ground laws now.
Never happen. They'll pander to the black activists (Holder already started that process) but there is simply no admissible evidence that Zimmerman targeted Martin because of his race. Or, at least not the sort of evidence that allows you to get a hate crime conviction.

The prosecutors in Florida already made fools of themselves by overreaching and over-charging Zimmerman due to political pressure. Holder and the DOJ are a lot of things but stupid and in need of further embarrassment isn't one of them.

There will be no federal charges. The investigation will continue for a good long while and in 8 or 10 months there will be a quiet press release/announcement on a late Friday afternoon stating that no charges will be filed.

Which is as it should be. Originally Posted by timpage
Spot on.
Never happen. They'll pander to the black activists (Holder already started that process) but there is simply no admissible evidence that Zimmerman targeted Martin because of his race. Or, at least not the sort of evidence that allows you to get a hate crime conviction.

The prosecutors in Florida already made fools of themselves by overreaching and over-charging Zimmerman due to political pressure. Holder and the DOJ are a lot of things but stupid and in need of further embarrassment isn't one of them.

There will be no federal charges. The investigation will continue for a good long while and in 8 or 10 months there will be a quiet press release/announcement on a late Friday afternoon stating that no charges will be filed.

Which is as it should be. Originally Posted by timpage
We agree on something except that part about stupid...LOL...Just gave you a Thanks, anyway.
As for the stand your ground laws, there is little the Justice Dept can do when elected State Legislators pass them.
Besides, many Americans are sick and tired of being told to curl up in the fetal position and beg for mercy when attacked by a social predetor, hoping the police will arrive in time, if at all.

Nobody has said it yet, but the old saying holds true. "God made men, Sam Colt made them equal".

Will the D0J charge Zimmerman? Once The Presidents pollsters tell him that he risks loosing the Hispanic Vote because of the continued persecution of one of their own, he will tell them to back off. Simple politics.
LexusLover's Avatar
No follow up except Holder is looking into stand your ground laws now. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
He really needs to look into "hold your tongue" laws.
LexusLover's Avatar
Once The Presidents pollsters tell him that he risks loosing the Hispanic Vote because of the continued persecution of one of their own, he will tell them to back off. Simple politics. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Is he running for a 3rd term?
Is he running for a 3rd term? Originally Posted by LexusLover
In a sense, yes. 2014 mid terms are a referendum on The President's policy's.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The ONLY crime committed in this case was by the deceased, Trayvon Martin.
Had George Zimmerman not defend himself, Trayvon would have been the one charged with a criminal offense.
The DOJ should have more than enough evidence to know there is no offense by Zimmerman.
The only reason to continue is to placate their supporters and insure they will remain on the lefty plantation.
According to the deceased "girlfriend", she told him Zimmerman was probably a homosexual rapist and he should run. So Trayvon decided to bust a queer.

This whole thing should have never made it past page 3 of the second section of the local paper. This has been orchestrated from the start. I smell the Obama administratio0n all over this.
According to the deceased "girlfriend", she told him Zimmerman was probably a homosexual rapist and he should run. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
A dead woman spoke to Trayvon?
chicagoboy's Avatar
There will be no federal charges. The investigation will continue for a good long while and in 8 or 10 months there will be a quiet press release/announcement on a late Friday afternoon stating that no charges will be filed. Originally Posted by timpage
Not that long - the Friday afternoon before Labor Day.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He really needs to look into "hold your tongue" laws. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Good advice take it.
Never happen. They'll pander to the black activists (Holder already started that process) but there is simply no admissible evidence that Zimmerman targeted Martin because of his race. Or, at least not the sort of evidence that allows you to get a hate crime conviction.

The prosecutors in Florida already made fools of themselves by overreaching and over-charging Zimmerman due to political pressure. Holder and the DOJ are a lot of things but stupid and in need of further embarrassment isn't one of them.

There will be no federal charges. The investigation will continue for a good long while and in 8 or 10 months there will be a quiet press release/announcement on a late Friday afternoon stating that no charges will be filed.

Which is as it should be. Originally Posted by timpage
The Democratic Race Baiting Handbook exposed by a Democrat. Just shameful and cynical.