The other night on Piers Morgan’s show, Rachel Jeantel gave us a lesson in the evolving meaning of the words “n*gga” and “cracka.”

As for the “N” word, Jeantel explained that, around the year 2000, the letters “er” were replaced by “a” and the word could now be applied to any kind of male – black, white, Hispanic, and even Chinese. As for “cracka,” it no longer refers to white people, but now applies to any “person who acts like they’re a police, like a security guard.”

If there’s a new trial, perhaps Jeantel can testify as an expert in etymology.

Jeantel is correct that language evolves. For example, I understand that sometime around August 2006, the word “farmer” evolved into “farma,” and came to encompass pasty chefs, ballerinas, and jockeys (lil farmas).

And just this summer, the word “murderer” evolved into “murdera.” It now includes someone who shoots and kills a person who is beating him senseless, provided that the deceased is black and the shooter is not.

The events that culminated in Trayvon Martin’s death were tragic. But the aftermath of the Zimmerman trial is turning into farce.
But hey, maybe We am being too judgemental.............she claims to be well educated and has a 3.0 ???

No wonder American business wants to flood us with workers from the outside !
LexusLover's Avatar
Did Morgan have a translator? So they could both understand each other?

Or was Al Sharpton on his show at the same time?
All of the "pundits on hand were just gushing all about how savvy she was.

I would have asked her, "can you name our three Branches of Government".

This is our future?
bojulay's Avatar
Did Morgan have a translator? So they could both understand each other?

Or was Al Sharpton on his show at the same time? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did Al like both the commintatas.

Piers Morgan is such a tool Craftsman has given him
his own signature series.
She's her generation's Oprah!
rodog44's Avatar
Graduating highschool @ 20?
Graduating highschool @ 20? Originally Posted by ArisRose
And a functional illiterate.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-17-2013, 11:03 PM
Graduating highschool @ 20? Originally Posted by ArisRose
It's called the double up plan. 2 years for every grade 9 thru 12.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe they should interview some of her teachers. They should be soooo proud.