
I wanted to take a minute to wish you all a fond farewell. I can hardly begin to explain the how or why of my abrupt departure, but please rest assured it is a very good thing. A door has opened and I have made to choice to say yes to a new chapter in my life.

I have made many dear friends over the past 16 months and many of you know that becoming a provider allowed me to rebuild a life for myself and my family. I wish you all the very best life has to offer. Many of you will forever remain in my heart and thoughts, for you have given me acceptance, support and encouragement throughout my time here with you.

Thanks for the memories!
Satyrrical's Avatar
All the best.

And yes, thanks for the mammaries.
mike1701's Avatar
I don't have to say it. What ever door that has opened for you,I am sure you will do it great. I will never forget the memories.

Just be you.
You are forever the "QUEEN" of my heart!
Wishing you the best!!!
Sonoman's Avatar
Damn you Abbey Jones.
DallasRain's Avatar
best to ya babe
cp9406's Avatar

We only met once, but I am going to miss the hell out of you . DAMN IT!

I hope the best for you. You gotta do what makes you happy. Go for it babe!
rebel97's Avatar
Wish you all the best walking through that next door. You helped me celebrate my birthday last year and what a year it's been. Thanks!
Tits McFloppin's Avatar

this is a sader then sad day for the hole team BUT ima happy for ABBEY JONES if she dont wanna do IT no more. there is prolly nobuddy who make as much difrence to THE HOLE HOBBY then ABBEY JONES. me and her only done IT a cople of times BUT that is just sence i like to do IT with many many girls and hookers then to stay only with 1. BUT i was telin the hole team all the time YOU GOTTA SEE HER! YOU DONT KNOW GFE TIL YOU SEEN ABBEY JONES. and she was TOPS on the DONT MISS TITS LIST! she maked a BIG difrence in price to sence she gave THE BEST bang for your fuck money! there will be so many lonely boners who was so use to doing IT with her! and that opened more pusseys to xplore and fuck and do IT good with sence so many dudes was doing IT with AJ. and none of them hookers could compeet with her doughnation! makes me wonder if she is maybe get maried. BUT if not there is tempting to get the HOLE team together to line up and do a gangbang on her! if there was 15 dudes for 100 a dude then that would send her off with a gift of 15 100 dollars bill to start her new life. It would be hard but that would be 1 more do IT good with her and show how the hole team apreceates her good! there maybe some happy hookers now sence there not gonna have to compeet with AJ. she done more for the hole hobby then just do IT good! it made a BIG dif for everybuddy in this hole town and the hole fuck comunity.
Aww. AJ, I wish you all the best. Good luck on your future endeavors! 😘
Jami-Lynn's Avatar
Wishing you the very best in this new chapter of your life AJ! You will most definitely be missed!
orangecountysuite's Avatar
sadly i was never able to meet you but i wanted to take the time to post and wish you all the best on your new path.
Dagmar's Avatar
Abbey was my first and its sad to say she set a ridiculous bar for the rest afterwards. You could not find a classier gal. I will miss you even though we haven't seen each other as of late. I actually had just reached out tonight and realized you were no longer in the field. Miss you forever sweet heart!
May God and all his Angels rejoice at your choice. May you always be happy with your choice, and may all others Respect your Privacy.