"Where's Diana? What Happened? Where are you?" IM SICK WITH DEATH.

DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I'm posting this, because I have gotten a massive amount of emails, calls & PMs - about where I am, where I've been.. where I'm going. I just want to clear this all up real fast. This forum is an easy way to spread the word.

As unfortunate as this may sound, I do not live in the hobby world everyday, all day. I go days without seeing or speaking to anyone. And, things do happen. I've read plenty of posts about unsolicited emails & texts - that's just not my style. Long story short - well kind of short..

I was supposed to go to West Texas, but was already feeling a little under the weather.. when things didn't go as planned, I took it at a sign, because the day I was due to leave for Midland - I slept through the entire day. I felt like death, I was hot & cold, throwing up, sore throat, mucus & phlegm all through my chest cavity & I couldn't swallow, with a fever of 103.2.

All contributed to -

I apologize for all inconvenience to anyone.
But - I'm not even able to deepthroat my own damn medicine.

I will let everyone know when I am back in commission.

Thanks. Diana.

Damn girl, I hope you get to feeling better soon! Best wishes!!!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
After all that...... I hope that you feel better and just DAMN find something better!

all the best!
GneissGuy's Avatar
Get well soon, girl. I had my bout with the flu two months ago and it was no fun.

I recommend folks get a pneumonia vaccine. It cost me about $35 at the drug store and it's supposed to last for many years. Not 100% effective, but worth the trouble. It didn't require a doctor's visit. Pneumonia's no fun.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Gness, Did you get the flu BEFORE or AFTER you took the vaccine?

I'm just saying........ everyone I know who gets the flu just had a flu shot. makes me go.... hmmmmmmmmm?

I haven't had a flu shot in 20 years and got the flu once maybe twice.

Diana, I know that many here really hope that you are D.E.W.ing better and I hope completely healed.
guest031812's Avatar
Aww I wish you speedy recovery and hope you feel better chicka!
GneissGuy's Avatar
Gness, Did you get the flu BEFORE or AFTER you took the vaccine?

I'm just saying........ everyone I know who gets the flu just had a flu shot. makes me go.... hmmmmmmmmm? Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
I got the flu after the shot, but long enough after that I'm pretty sure it wasn't from the shot. It was pretty mild, so maybe the shot helped. There is an "11 day virus" going around this year that they say isn't the flu.

I don't believe the shots can really give you the flu, but you might get some mild reaction from it. On the other hand, the nose spray flu vaccine is alive and could give you the flu.

I stood in a long line for about 30 minutes getting the flu shot one year, and I'm convinced I caught the flu from someone else standing in line.
Glad to hear you're still alive...get in touch with me if you make it out to New Orleans.
squiretuck's Avatar
Get well soon, Diana! Don't rush the work. Take plenty of rest and fluids.
sixxbach's Avatar
Get better indeed but this is a threAD. Sensual sophia just updated her sig line to reflect her break. Why not do the same?

Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Get better indeed but this is a threAD. Sensual sophia just updated her sig line to reflect her break. Why not do the same?

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
What? an ad? what a laugh! I don't think that a lady saying 2 days ago that she is SICK and can't take appts is an AD. There are 9 others who posted and saying how sorry we are she is sick, and you think that is an ad for 2 days?

She hasn't bumped her own thread so how can that be an AD? Maybe when she get BACK to available she can update her signature to say that....

......... but then wouldn't that be against the rules as a sig posing as an ad? I'm just saying.

DDT Hope you are getting better! D.E.W. (honey you need new initials. LOL)
Dang girl. Hope u get better. I had a client ask to c me the other day and I said I was not around and could not meet... He asked me "why" well it rubbed me the wrong way. All the years I've been around I've never had a guy ask me why I was not working... I dont feel that its anyones buisness, am I wrong? I have a personal life too lol. Also have had a few people ask why I even answered their text if I was not working. Really? And if I dont answer your email or text right away, please dont assume I am ignoring you and be mean. Us ladies are not always around our phones or computers ya know.

Your thread made me think of this stuff I've been dealing with girl. Just curious if I'm alone in this...

guys... If a lady says shes free all week do you assume that means shes not charging this week lol? You can't honestly think thats what she means right? I had a guy pm me saying he wants to c me for an hour since It was not going to cost him anything. He was dead serious too. So I just wanted to know if any of you guys thought thats what I meant lol.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
guys... If a lady says shes free all week do you assume that means shes not charging this week lol? You can't honestly think thats what she means right? I had a guy pm me saying he wants to c me for an hour since It was not going to cost him anything. He was dead serious too. So I just wanted to know if any of you guys thought thats what I meant lol. Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
I always, ALWAYS respond to that saying, " I'm available but never for free!" They get it and hopefully with laughter.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Get better indeed but this is a threAD. Sensual sophia just updated her sig line to reflect her break. Why not do the same?

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

Sixx - please don't mess with me. If you have a problem with me because of our previous correspondence - fine. Address me. But, do not find it inside of yourself to try & make a public spectacle out of me like you have done with some of the other ladies.

I've taken a long break & really just don't need the bull. I am NOT Sensual Sophia - I don't know how she works with her clients - I did what worked for me. If it was inappropriate, someone could have flagged it & had it taken down, like they do with everything else that doesn't seem to fit in the box.

This is a PUBLIC FORUM. Which means everything is based solely off of perception & opinion. In my opinion - I was near death. And then, on my way to the hospital a couple hours after I posted this post. I had PNEUMONIA - which just so happens to be life or death.

As for an threAD - there are no rates/services/no photos - there's not one thing making this thread an AD. For the record - I DID put it in my sig line. But, I was still getting calls & texts.. why? Because.. I was sick - in bed. NOT taking a break. I wasn't logging on to this site trying to see what was going on or posting.. so my sig line - as I was told on numerous occasions "wasnt being seen".


If this is me bumping my ad.. sorry. I just felt it was proper to respond.

Dagny - new initials... you're right. I kind of like DDT though. Thanks for all your warm words. I appreciate it. & I got the flu vaccine.. which really made me go hmmm too. But you know - the govt is a whole nothing story.

HANNNNAAAAAHHHHHHH! I miss you so much. We're gonna have to play catch up. For real. Louisiana - here I come.

Marley, Gneiss, squire, ATXGirlz & Roxy - thank you guys. It took almost three weeks.. but I must say - I do feel a lot better.
Mojojo's Avatar
Glad your doing better!