Phillip Seymour Hoffman -- RIP

Oh, man, I had a great evening last night, slept really late this morning, and then I wake up to this.

I'm really upset on a number of levels, and I'm almost overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. Angry that the dude checked out in what was essentially an unintentional suicide, incredibly sad for his children, and a little heartbroken for PSH himself, 'cause I can only imagine the demons that led him back to the dark place that this time claimed his life.

Gonna go back and watch a couple of his films today, I think.

And, yeah, I know it's silly to get all worked up over some guy that I never met. Fuck it. Guess I'm just silly then. This is so wrong.

Sorry if the news has already been posted and discussed in another thread.

Edit: I should have put this in the sandbox. My apologies.
OH NO! Such sad news. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead and Capote are two of my favorite films of all time. He was a very talented performer.

I loved him in Boogie Nights and Almost Famous too. He played an amazing range of characters. I had hoped to see him on the stage one day.

Totally bummed.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Very sad a great talent that could not find his way out of keeping a needle out of his arm
pyramider's Avatar
I just shrugged. I am surprised that he is outlived by Charlie Sheen and Robert Downy Jr.
daty/o's Avatar
Terrible news. Great talent; he will be missed.
aldo3178's Avatar
I just shrugged. I am surprised that he is outlived by Charlie Sheen and Robert Downy Jr. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yeah but both Sheen and Downey are the Keith Richards of Hollywood.
matchingmole's Avatar
Sad news...was watching "The Big Lebowski" Thurs night. He had a small role in that movie....but he was funny as hell. Tragic when your inner demons take your life.
bojulay's Avatar
WOW, Too sad, he played Capote better than Capote could have
played himself.

And his small role in Lebowski is classic.

He seemed like one of the coolest guys in hollywood.

General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Sad news. He was an actor and they seem to have too much money and a lot of free time. Many take the wrong road
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I liked the Sundance movie The Savages with him and Laura Linney. He was an extremely versatile actor.
Some of his other roles: the snitch in "Scent of a Woman" and the tornado chaser in "Twister".

Capote was almost too good; a slam dunk for Oscar but my favorite role was his nasty villain in "Mission Impossible III". Geez, ya just wanted to take a baseball bat to his head!
Yeah but both Sheen and Downey are the Keith Richards of Hollywood. Originally Posted by aldo3178
Robert Downey Jr is in recovery and has been a pillar in the recovery community please don't compare him to Keith Richards and Sheen aka the electric tiger or whatever that goofy self moniker he gave himself in his recent public meltdown.

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman, may God help you find the rest that eluded your earthly self, may your family find strength and peace in this tragic end to your beautiful life...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I usually keep up with the addictions of the moment, and who is involved with it, but I had no idea this actor had the proverbial monkey.

So it was shocking to see my phone beep and on my NYT's app, there was that announcement.

I put him in the same category of John Lennon. Who knows, by their deaths, how much art we've been deprived of?
pyramider's Avatar
A dead Beetle reference? Lennon became a sanctimonious pompous ass, there was little art lost. Don't believe me ... just listen to Yoko.
oltimer's Avatar
Fantastic Actor, Why do we lose so many of the great ones so young?