I think you'd have better luck finding one escort you enjoy spending time with and then asking for an unconventional date. If you've never met before, it may not be as fun as it could be. But safety and security come first and I don't think saying girls should give socially awkward guys a chance is a good enough reason for not making a girl feel comfortable when proposing this type of date. And maybe the fact you would rather think "providers are just lame and don't want to have fun" shows the real problem.
I'm not sure why you made this thread. Is it strange to ask an escort to go to a water park? It's out of the ordinary and I would find it strange coming from a complete stranger but not from an established client. But it sounds more like you're looking for people to go "yeah water parks are fun, bitches be crazy!" Girls have every right to say no to any request.
That being said, I have gone to a theme park and the state fair with clients and had a great time. I love doing unconventional dates especially if they help "socially awkward" guys get out and have some fun. Again, these dates were with clients I had established trust with and I felt respected and safe. Water parks are usually an all day activity and you have to leave your stuff in your locker including your phone. You are in a less controlled environment. From an escort perspective there are lots of reasons why it's not just a fun day at the park that you could have with any client. Just some things to consider.
Originally Posted by ivy_rose
Yea, I realized two hours is not quite enough time, but all I asked was if she was interested in going.
I don't understand your reasoning. Why is it safer to show up at a hotel to meet a stranger, where you will be completely alone with them, than to meet them at a public setting for a date? That does not make sense to me.
An unconventional date is actually what I think you are referring to as the conventional date, which would be meeting at a hotel. That's unconventional. I'm actually talking about a conventional date, which should be a lot less intimidating and scary. Unless, I am completely insane and out of touch with social norms. Meeting a stranger at a hotel should be uncomfortable and a little scary. But at a waterpark? It's a typical date, like the ones I've seen on TV.
You know what? I don't know you very well. Therefore, let's meet in a private hotel room and have sex. After that, maybe we can go to an amusement park to get to know each other. What the heck? Am I crazy?