Typewriters. A discussion and also, an offer.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm a huge fan of manual typewriters. Electric are fine but my preference is (are?) for manual ones.

For about 15 years, I collected them. Then, had a life changing event about 20 something years ago and sold them.

Now, sincerely miss having a manual typewriter SO much. Have checked on Ebay a lot.

But first, thought that I'd ask around here and see if anyone has a typewriter laying around that they don't want.

Know that I'm being a brazen hussy by even asking but that is what sporting ladies do. They ask for something.

And the worst someone can do is say no. Or we could perhaps barter a trade.

Looking forward to hearing from a few of you!

Also, would appreciate knowing if there are any other typewriter enthusiasts on Eccie.

I find typewriters to be so real. Cool. I'd like to do some sort of photoshoot with the perfect machine.

Also, have thought of writing quotes on super quality card stock (with the manual type writer) and selling them myself. A machine that does a nice cursive would be really great as well. In the end, also wish to make some money while using the machine in one fashion or another.

Guess that's it!

Thanks for reading.

... not the usual one

P.S. If you wish to just send me an e-mail, that's completely fine. I also value discretion and will certainly value yours. elisabethwhispers@hotmail.com

P.S. S. One of the biggest things that I miss about being a moderator is that I no longer have all of the time in the world to do edits. And this one hour edit window is freaking me out!!! My ability to make congruent sentences are fading in the midst of my performance anxiety! How did I function in high school, writing all of those end of semester fancy essays, with my parent's old manual typewriter?

Anyone here remember THOSE days?

Maybe this craving, that I've had for some time now, is a bad idea! haha
There are several on Craigslist now. https://dallas.craigslist.org/mdf/at...851102080.html

I've been looking for one too for my Realestate Staging project. I don't need it to work...just sit there and look pretty.

I also suggest frequenting your local GOODWILL store. I've seen them a few times.

Are the ribbons easy to find?
I have super old underwriter typewriter got it cause thought it was cool
koseylee's Avatar
You could contact gordonkeith@theticket.com. He is a morning host on 1310/96.7The Ticket and a typewriter nut.
He doesn't have to know anything about you, just that you love typewriters too.
Precious_b's Avatar
I know that they've been on the "everything old is new again" kick with the kids.
Even some places that deal with them exclusively.
I'd recommend garage/estate sales.

So, are you like Micky Spillane and repair them yourself?
LuciaConte's Avatar
Do you like the newer typewriters like the Typecast? Or vintage only?
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
saw some on Amazon
TinMan's Avatar
You could contact gordonkeith@theticket.com. He is a morning host on 1310/96.7The Ticket and a typewriter nut.
He doesn't have to know anything about you, just that you love typewriters too. Originally Posted by koseylee
I think Elisabeth would really dig the Great Gordo, beyond his affection for vintage typewriters.

This podcast from his visit with Dax Shepard at the Majestic is a pretty good introduction to the “deeper” side of GK:


I’m kinda pissed I didn’t go see this.
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
Great thread!

I have a vintage Burroughs typewriter - but sorry it's not for sale, it's in my entry/foyer area as a really cool artistic and conversational piece.

I'm not a collector of them, but it's really cool and interesting, I occasionally 'fire it up' and use it. Of course, if you'd want to borrow it for a Photoshoot, that's perfectly Ok with me.

Fun fact: I was the FASTEST Typer my High School ever taught. 114 wpm with ZERO mistakes, on an IBM Electric, back in the 80's. Schweet victory!!

Tom Hanks is a typewriter collector, here's a link:

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
There are several on Craigslist now. https://dallas.craigslist.org/mdf/at...851102080.html

I've been looking for one too for my Realestate Staging project. I don't need it to work...just sit there and look pretty.

I also suggest frequenting your local GOODWILL store. I've seen them a few times.

Are the ribbons easy to find? Originally Posted by alaine
Hi alaine!

Thanks for the comment and the reference. I've been looking at that typewriter for, probably, about a month. It's perfect, with the cursive font, to complete some of my ideas.

But to tell you the truth, and this is a bit embarrassing, but I simply do not have an extra $250 sitting around. Gosh, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE that machine!!!

And also, think that I could make some money off of having one, which is meaningful in it's own way.

A typewriter for decorative purposes is cool, too. I've found some typewriters for sale, not working, on Facebook that are very affordable.

Think there is one old looking one for about $35 or 40 bucks.

But I would like one that is working because I want to write on it!!!

More on that in a bit ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Do you like the newer typewriters like the Typecast? Or vintage only? Originally Posted by LuciaConte
I'm not overly fond of those huge black typewriters from the early century, more keen towards the typewriters from the late 50's on up.

Like Gina mentioned above, there is a new typewriter that you can buy on Amazon.

I actually watched this documentary and John Mayer actually bought a new one and uses it in his songs and other writings, which was interesting.


I was collecting typewriters back in the 80's but over the years, and through single parenting, I'd sold them all (had 5 at one time) over 20 years ago.

Oh, think that many who are reading this will like the documentary.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think Elisabeth would really dig the Great Gordo, beyond his affection for vintage typewriters.

This podcast from his visit with Dax Shepard at the Majestic is a pretty good introduction to the “deeper” side of GK:


I’m kinda pissed I didn’t go see this. Originally Posted by TinMan
I'll have to listen! Thanks for the input, TinMan!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I know that they've been on the "everything old is new again" kick with the kids.
Even some places that deal with them exclusively.
I'd recommend garage/estate sales.

So, are you like Micky Spillane and repair them yourself? Originally Posted by Precious_b
I don't know how to repair them. There is one shop left, and think they've moved to Mesquite, that offers old typewriter repairs.

There are places where you can find the typewriter ribbons but it's getting harder.

So back before the flood, ha!, I ended up with my parent's old Royal (which I would give an eye tooth to have again!) and a fancy electric Olivetti (a graduation present) that I took to UT Austin when graduated from high school.

Had those two. Then another decade later, just HAD to have a similar typewrite to what Hunter S. Thompson wrote on and so got a red Selectric. Think that my model was different but it was fun while I had it.

Ended up selling that to a friend who said that he was going to write a screenplay on it.

Then, had a couple of old manuals that I'd picked up from garage sales and the such.

I know that it's now a bit trendy, for some, to have old typewriters around but for me, they NEVER went out of style.


Now, I just need to start collecting again. Think that people are starting to realize the value of these machines and the ones that work (and are attractive and that's part of it!) are becoming fairly expensive.

Thanks for participating in my topic!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Great thread!

I have a vintage Burroughs typewriter - but sorry it's not for sale, it's in my entry/foyer area as a really cool artistic and conversational piece.

I'm not a collector of them, but it's really cool and interesting, I occasionally 'fire it up' and use it. Of course, if you'd want to borrow it for a Photoshoot, that's perfectly Ok with me.

Fun fact: I was the FASTEST Typer my High School ever taught. 114 wpm with ZERO mistakes, on an IBM Electric, back in the 80's. Schweet victory!!

Tom Hanks is a typewriter collector, here's a link:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTtDb73NkNM Originally Posted by SchnellerFahrer
Oh, I don't blame you for not wanting to get rid of your typewriter, either!!!

You were a FAST typist!!!

So I just started this topic because it's a pretty good guess that people have a typewriter sitting around in the garage that perhaps, they really don't need nor want.

Typewriters are just really cool. Plus, they feed into my sometime dislike for computers and the internet.

The idea of being disconnected in the way that a manual typewriter affords is exceptionally appealing to me as well.


P.S. Yes!!! Tom Hanks is a huge typewriter fan. Thanks for the youtube link!!! Just took a peak at what it was about and going to watch the video, completely, right now.
  • JROD
  • 04-05-2019, 08:55 AM
Elisabeth, I have an IBM selectric III. If you are interested, I’m sure we can “work something out”.
Way back in the day, I had a job repairing typewriters, on site. I drove all over DFW makeing service calls. I was in my 20’s, and it was a lot of fun. I acquired a taste for MILFs doing that job!
This machine I have works, but could use a tune up. I would offer to tune it up, but I may only make it worse. I have lost those skills.
Let me know if your interested. J