Gun Control vs Abortionists, I wonder how many cunts…

ManSlut's Avatar
…I am wondering how many cunts or symbolically castrated males, who are Pro-baby killers after the fetus has a heartbeat, are also pro-Gun Control?

My guess is a whole lot more unborn babies have been put to death than any bad guy/criminal gun violence.
By definition a baby is born; hence, there are no unborn babies.

Baby - a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I saw MTG ask an expert on "domestic terrorism" about the 30-40 million black babies that were murdered. The "witless" smirked at the idea.
Actually they were laughing at how stupid poor MTG was. Actually I suppose it’s is, since she’s still stupid.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I saw MTG ask an expert on "domestic terrorism" about the 30-40 million black babies that were murdered. The "witless" smirked at the idea. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You might have missed the below as it was published eons ago, aka pre-the covid, aka Communist take over. But it is a simple, elegant and rapid way to eliminate the problem and frankly, I don't understand why othe Demonicrat, chite-hole cities have not taken up the cause. Oh wait, I nearly forgot Saint George Floyd and the summer of love. Shoot howdy, that was eerily similar.

We've been handling the gun crime, aka murderous loons, problem all wrong and we can give a hat tip to the very fine people of Chitcago leading the way to solve the problem. Those outside the box thinkers realized that the fast path to a solution is, get this:
Eliminate cataloging and reporting the problem. BRILLIANT!

.Chicago Erases Gang Database Because There’s Too Many People of Color On It
February 24, 2019

Chicago is becoming more and more well known for high rates of gun violence, high violent crime rate, and heavy gang activity. Statistics show that most of the gun crime in Chicago is perpetrated almost completely by gang members. This is why the latest move by the Cook County Board to erase their gangs database is leaving people scratching their heads in confusion.

The Cook County Board on Thursday voted to destroy the county’s gang database, setting legal steps and guidelines to make sure the database can’t be restarted.

The vote was the death knell for the contentious database, also called the Regional Gang Intelligence Database. Last month, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office announced it had “terminated” the database, a decision that came after no other law enforcement agency agreed to host it.

The ordinance, which takes effect immediately, prohibits the Cook County Sheriff’s Office from maintaining, re-creating or sharing information on the database. It also mandates the sheriff’s office to “enact the final destruction” of the tool.

The move was headed up by commissioner Alma Anaya, who based on her recent tweets and retweets, seems to be very happy that Latinos are beginning to take over positions of power in American government...

...According to reports, activists in Chicago have been pushing for the gangs database to be removed because it has a disproportionate amount of people of color on it. This is usually the typical go-to for sentimentalists, blame the tool, blame the jails, blame the system, and blame any of thing around the issue except for the actual issue itself.

If anyone bothered to check, they would find that the reason why the gangs database contains a disproportionate amount of people of color is because out of the 33,000 gangs we have here in America, it is mostly Hispanics and Blacks that are in the gangs. This is backed up by the National Gang Center and the FBI.

But of course, Alma Anaya and other activists either don’t want to look at the information, are of low intelligence, or just simply want to hide this information from Americans so that they can push their sentimentalists policies instead of holding certain communities and cultures accountable for their actions.

Even the Women’s March Illinois is praising Anaya for this recent move on twitter and they’re getting retweeted quickly by the board commissioner.

If most of the gun crime is committed by gang members in Chicago and most of the crime guns are seized from gang members, then you would think that the last thing Cook County would do is erase the very database that allows the county to track these people right? To a pragmatist and someone with common sense yes, but not to the low IQ sentimentalists.
A special hat tip to all those low IQ sentimentalists.