Apartment massage room

My apartment complex has a massage room and there is a lady who is available for appointments here a couple days a week, her name is Katie. Anyone have any experience with this type of thing? What are the odds of her offering more services at some point?
I have gotten a few massages from her and they were alright but no indication of offering more. I was thinking about emailing her from an anonymous email account asking about any additional services or something.
If could go ahead and list the apartment complex then the massage peeps can tell ya if they have seen her.
Then youll get verification if she offers any activities.
If you could tell us how to get a hold of Katie as well, this would do the dirty work.
dumars's Avatar
You can bet she is not going to initiate anything! That ball is in your court!!

Where there is a will, there is a way!!!

My apartment complex has a massage room and there is a lady who is available for appointments here a couple days a week, her name is Katie. Anyone have any experience with this type of thing? What are the odds of her offering more services at some point?
I have gotten a few massages from her and they were alright but no indication of offering more. I was thinking about emailing her from an anonymous email account asking about any additional services or something. Originally Posted by Nbpt12
My apartment complex has a massage room and there is a lady who is available for appointments here a couple days a week, her name is Katie. Anyone have any experience with this type of thing? What are the odds of her offering more services at some point?
I have gotten a few massages from her and they were alright but no indication of offering more. I was thinking about emailing her from an anonymous email account asking about any additional services or something. Originally Posted by Nbpt12
TailHooked's Avatar
If she has a gig like that, more than likely the only happy ending you will get, is a discount for living there. Just remember the saying "You shouldn't play in your own yard". Go for it. Worse thing that can happen is she says "Not No, but hell no". Then tells management on you.
Boredinop's Avatar
Sounds like a possibility of getting an eviction notice.......
Sounds like a possibility of getting an eviction notice....... Originally Posted by Boredinop
or an assault charge.
Schedule an appointment.
During the massage let you hands hang off the table and ' accidentally' graze her thigh. See if she moves closer or backs away. If she backs away, say ' excuse ' me or 'sorry' and pull you arms back on the table. If she moves closer, gently massage her calves. If she seems to enjoy it, work your hand up her leg massaging as you go. And so on..
Get Lucky's Avatar
This line of thought seems like a bad idea….
Yep I see a Deshaun Watson episode all over this...
But what the hell go for it and keep us posted from the courtroom
CaptainKaos's Avatar
You seriously think there's a chance of her offering extras in a legit joint like your apartment complex. Also, haven't you heard the phrase don't shit where you eat?
AllThisMeat's Avatar
This reads like a good way to get evicted.

Tread carefully, my friend.