Pink Floyd's Avatar
A question in my nerves was lit by a comment on the Oklahoma board. Atheletes commonly use visualization to enhance sports performance. At least from a guys standpoint, a lot of sex is mental. Could the same techniques of visualization that are used for sports be applied to sex?
anaximander's Avatar
In a word yes.
Tantra uses similar methodology
muscle control is muscle control
Oh my goodness, lol I'm sorry I got your wheels turning Flect! I hope this doesn't keep you up at night
Pink Floyd's Avatar
It should follow logically that IF it can be applied to help performance in sports that it could also apply to sex. I love things that get me thinking. I am finishing the last of a chardonay that SD and I shared a while back.
burkalini's Avatar
I kept telling her I scored a touchdown and she told me I was doing offensive holding.

She then kicked me in the balls and said GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
whitechocolate's Avatar
Peak performance psychology principles can be applied to any type of performance. You just need to know how to properly practice using relaxation techniques and positive imagery techiques. Easier said then done.
ck1942's Avatar
Concentrate on "intimacy."

Whatever happens after that will be "fun."
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Peak performance psychology principles can be applied to any type of performance. You just need to know how to properly practice using relaxation techniques and positive imagery techiques. Easier said then done. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Men have to perform, and not through a natural progression, but rather at a set time and for a set amount of time. It is easy for a woman to fake an orgasm, but a guy cannot fake a hardon.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Men have to perform, and not through a natural progression, but rather at a set time and for a set amount of time. It is easy for a woman to fake an orgasm, but a guy cannot fake a hardon. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
true but..
I thought that's why they invented Viagra ?