Maybe it's my age.

here4now's Avatar
I think this subject may have been discussed before, but I do not recall and I am still curious to know the answer.
Let me preface this with that this is not meant as a criticism or judgement of anyone, it is just a curiosity that I would like addressed.
Why is it that so many young, beautiful ladies find it necessary to put tattoos all over their bodies. I don't mean small, unobtrusive, simple tattoos. I mean ones that cover half their bodies or all over in different areas. Have they ever noticed when guys write reviews and talk about tattoos it is almost always with the explanation that they were not distracting. When I say that, it is not because I like it, it is just because the girl is usually pretty enough and the sex is good enough to make me overlook it. But, if I had my wish, I would rather see that beautiful skin in its natural state without someone's face or a horse or a lion or whatever staring back at me.
Is this done as some sort of statement to say, " I have control over my body and I can do what I want with it?" We kinda know you already have that, all things considered. I am really curious to know what's behind the decision to do something like that especially the ones that are so obvious and so big.
I hope I haven't screwed myself and offended some of the ladies with tattoos that I have already seen, because the day is bound to come when I will want to see them again, and I WON'T be distracted by them then either.
I don't think these girls really care what other men who pay to spend time with them think about their bodies- because it's their body. If a girl decides to express herself in a grandeur manner so be it- it is up to you to decide if you want to you want to be around her.

Some girls don't want to be a cookie cutter flawless young beauty, some woman want to show their edge, some have deep stories behind theirs, some just don't give a fuck. But it's their bodies - so be it.
here4now's Avatar
And I didn't say they shouldn't. I just asked why. Sky, you seem to have taken this too personally. I also said it doesn't stop me from seeing them.
I have a ton of ink and wouldn't trade it for the world. I have some that have very strong meaning for me and otherwise I get tattooed because I love decorating myself. They say "Your body is a temple" Well, how long would you live in a temple before getting a new rug?

And, it didn't seem like you minded my large/obvious permanent artwork
here4now's Avatar
Tanner, you are the one I was most hoping I didn't offend. You are beautiful and I was not distracted at all. This was just a question of curiosity. My strongest belief is that as long as you are not hurting anyone whatever you do is your business and I am happy for it.
I've literally had texts saying "Your ink is disgusting" my reply will always be the same. No one is forcing you to look at me, no one is making you come see me and no one made you save my number. If someone's appearance is not to your liking just see someone who is. The pleasure of this hobby is all the options.

I love having tattoos and I love showing them off. I am so proud of the one on my back I show any one who will look. It's a form of artwork that I will always have. My artists are people I hold very dearly to me and it's a bond between each other for me.
Bababoeuy's Avatar
I was at the Palms Casino in Vegas, where there was a tattoo parlor. I witnessed a young girl getting a tattoo of a giant sized face of Prez Obama covering her entire stomach. It didn't bother me one bit. However, had I done the same thing to myself when I was her age I'd be walking around today with a picture of Jimmy Carter on my belly.
here4now's Avatar
Bababouey, would you check your pm's. I sent you one last week.
herefornow, you answered your own question with the heading, "maybe its my age". I, like you have woundered the same, but you are more courageous to ask the question. We seem to be from another generation or lifestyle. I do not find all ink distastefull or distracting and like the ladies said, it's there body. Life is all about making choices and some of the choices can or can't be redone. We do things for a reason or meaning and some prefer to display their personality. If someone gave me the opportunity to drive a Lamborghini, but it happen to be lime green and pink, I would still be eager to get behind the wheel. The same way you find attraction or beauty in these ladies regardless of ink. I understand your question though. Good luck with the rest of the replies!
PAPA JOE's Avatar
I have a ton of ink and wouldn't trade it for the world. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
i'm a fan of ink, but i didn't see any in your showcase ... i'm interested now ...
I kept it out of the pictures so I couldn't be identified as easily. I'm sure there are pictures floating around showing it lol
While I think anyone can do whatever they want with and to their bodies, I agree with Bababouey. 40+ years from now, they will still have sentimental value, but they will fade and not be as bright and beautiful as they are now. I'm not knocking tats, if I weren't such a chicken shit, I'd get a very elaborate tat of a dragon! (I'm into dragons in a REALLY big way!) But I'm glad I never got one when I was young! Scary to think what a belly tat would look like after a couple of babies!
I don't think these girls really care what other men who pay to spend time with them think about their bodies- because it's their body. If a girl decides to express herself in a grandeur manner so be it- it is up to you to decide if you want to you want to be around her.

Some girls don't want to be a cookie cutter flawless young beauty, some woman want to show their edge, some have deep stories behind theirs, some just don't give a fuck. But it's their bodies - so be it. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
And I didn't say they shouldn't. I just asked why. Sky, you seem to have taken this too personally. I also said it doesn't stop me from seeing them. Originally Posted by here4now
It's amusing how someone reads my thread and assumes I take it personally but can not find the answer to his Op. My answer is clearly stated, dunno maybe i should have put it in bold originally since ppl can't take a post for what it is.
DallasRain's Avatar
I wish I had a tramp stamp over my ass that says 'ride it like you stole it"! lol
I don't plan on having any children and if I am so lucky to live 40 years hopefully I will still have room to get more!