Hollow Weenie 2014 off to a rocking start!

ck1942's Avatar
Per the usual social rules, only a person who was there may announce his or her presence.

Many outstanding costumes and the night is still young.

Could end up over 100!

Already passed 75 and very evenly split ladies and gents.
Precious_b's Avatar
Bowed out of this one voluntarily.

But I know it was a good one.
Mei lani Deja Krystal had fun!
Thanks guys and girls for another great Halloween party. It was so much fun meeting girls from right here in SA as well as a couple from Austin. As for the guys, thanks so much for being so nice to all the ladies. I hope you guys enjoyed my Supporting The Troops Outfit.

Kuhlarrow's Avatar
It was great to see you again CK and SpursFAn...it's been a long time and seeing fellow Vets of many fronts sure brought back all the memories of the many trysts our hobby world has generated!

The SGBJ girls (Meilani, Deja & Krystal) won my vote for the hottest babes while I was there IMHO! Jazleen also looked hot! I'm sure Melina also created many an "ATTENTION!" in some pantalones too...

Here's to the next one...And thanks again CK!!!
I had an awesome time. It was nice to meet Deja from SGBJ. I hope to see more of her soon.
FootLong's Avatar
A lot of blasts from the past at this one. Melina looked awesome in camo. Made my soldier want to salute... Some reunions occurred. Orgy plans to be made. Really cool.

Thanks SGBJ for getting some of the girls there, Mei lani especially got my attention.

This was a target-rich environment. But the Halloweenie always brings it! Decisions, decisions...
muffin101's Avatar
Best first social experience in Sa ever!!

I really picked the right one to go to

mikedmato's Avatar
First social in 4 years, great time! ( thx Charlottehoney , u make me wanna enjoy the nxt one)
levi tab's Avatar
Damn Nice Time, glad I didn't miss this Happy Hour
initial d's Avatar
It had been awhile..great seeing a lot of ya'll again and meeting some new people was pretty awesome. Thanks CK I had fun.
Ck...you never cease to amaze me at all levels. The talent was amazing!!! Seen some very promising talent and costumes from new ladies as well as familiars. Ladies looked astounding tonight!!
muffin101's Avatar
Seen some very promising talent and costumes from new ladies as well as familiars. Ladies looked astounding tonight!! Originally Posted by Dr. Dew
Lol some dudes are gonna request that the Providers see them in those costumes!


Ok ok..maybe just me haha

Thanks again Ck!
I had an amazing costume transformation during the evening. Whatever I was when I walked in, I left as a tripod! What an amazing collection of beautiful women! Thanks, CK, as always!
Sheer coincidence that my "wingman" in a recent MFM-DP session and I both showed up as the same movie character.

(Another amazing coincidence: I'd just fine-tuned his draft of the session review, before leaving home to attend. I look forward to seeing it posted in the next day or two.)

Our partner looked ravishing in her black tulle dress. And it was a pleasure to meet other friends old and new.

Thank you, CK, for organizing!