Thank you San Antonio

  • STF
  • 04-25-2015, 01:28 PM

On behalf of Salma:

I would like to thank everyone that visited me this week, I have to say that I had lots of fun BCD and Socially.

If I may I would like to salute Spursfan, Uparoundnoon, Blckpr and my secret lover for taking me to dinner and booking the entire night...You guys made me feel very special.

SpursFan's Avatar
Always a pleasure to make a new friend,

  • STF
  • 04-25-2015, 06:26 PM
I also need to mention a very special, sweet gentleman who visited me on Sat morning but prefers to remain utr
uparoundnoon's Avatar
The pleasure was all mine. I had the wonderful distinction to be her first date and her last date this trip. She needs to bring that sweet smile back to SA "The Big Taco" real soon. Miss her already.