Guess what? It's political season, so of course "human trafficking" is a concern.

Bills and other situations of concern

SAVE in 2015


and now this...human trafficking meets the PATRIOT Act

First SAVE, then online advertising limitations via FOSTA, and now they can go after money like human trafficking is equal to terrorism without a warrant, etc.

Welcome the American Taliban and some of the biggest offenders are Democrats too. Read it and weep ladies and gents. And just in time to vote on it and brag about being tough on "human trafficking" as vulnerable House politicians return to the campaign trail hoping to earn your votes.

A very interesting podcast featuring one of the few friends of SW in the media:

They can take our women, but now we can legally rent "robots" apparently. Seriously, this is a real thing...

(State legislative issues to be determined after the election)
I am pretty sure that there is some human trafficking occurring with the illegal immigration issue, which could be considered national security issues. The problem is that it is easier to catch the regular activity rather than the actual human trafficking, and the press will still call it human trafficking.
But the press is being irresponsible for conflating human trafficking as just sex trafficking.

When even the ant-sex trafficking crowd will admit the majority of human trafficking is labor trafficking.

Even CBP makes it a point to say human trafficking is not just sex trafficking.
IQ160's Avatar
  • IQ160
  • 09-29-2018, 06:09 AM Originally Posted by xfrankthetankx
Back to the future. If this is true, the area from 20th to 24th, Douglas to Farnam will become a popular travel spot again.
Moved here from Coed Discussions.
  • Luxie
  • 09-29-2018, 02:41 PM
Everyone stay safe out there.
Lolove's Avatar
The sex robots still make me giggle 🤭
Yep, if this gets signed into law. Nonprofits like our local vendetta/agenda driven groups can lie to people about "human trafficking" with no penalties. Say hello to the American Taliban...
One of the primary voices is at it again. If I remember correctly her sister is on the city council and has tried everything she can to shut down Club Omaha and now this:

Great, old attitudes about adult entertainment establishments being "recruiting grounds" just so she can utter her favorite buzz words "human trafficking" and "prostitution".

It's like the Sheriff had to mention "sex trafficking", almost like he was paid by a billionaire oil heiress in Texas or Cindy McCain to write that paragraph in. I wonder who would pop up in a FOIA request for information on his campaign funds?