Ladies, need your opinion

elgato111's Avatar
I have had facial hair most of my life, first with a full beard, then trimmed down to goatee and now just mustache.

I had a meeting today with a girl who liked my mustache but she could not help giggling as I was DATY, told me it tickled, but she would get used to it for the next time. Not the first time this has happened with a girl.

So the question is: Ladies, do you prefer clean shaven or some facial hair on the men you see?

Gents, anyone ever had this happen to you?

Just a note: She has a little bush that was neatly trimmed. I usually prefer shaved but like a little landing strip on occasion.
I like guys either way...Although SOME facial hair is a turn on for me...mostly a goatee is a turn on for me!
I love facial hair on a man!

As far as DATY goes, it doesn't matter to me one way or the other but I find facial hair very attractive.

I would GROW a beard if I could! LOL!
I think facial hair, especially an established beard or mustache (nothing prickly) gives an added sensation. And FYI, if a lady is ticklish, there is no 'getting used to it.'