Tea Party Downgrade?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Really? The Tea Party is responsible for the S&P credit downgrade? Hmmm . . .

Let's see. 66 House Republicans (dirty tea baggerz) voted against the debt increase. 95 House Democrats (fiscally responsible humanitarians) also voted against the deal. Also, 26 Democrat senators voted against the deal.

Not that I give a damn about the Tea Party, but I might support them if they left the Republican party, but they aren't the evil influence that they have been caricatured as.

And it is really sad how so many people have lost money due to this. But wait, is it possible that someone MADE money off the debacle? Which dirty Republican used this disaster to profit off the misfortune of the less well off who have seen their retirement plans take a hug hit?


George Soros is a big Republican supporter, isn't he? Certainly a liberal would never profit at the expense of others like this.

Fucking phonies. All of them. If you think ANY of them are on the side of the regular guy, you are delusional.

This is a stage play to simply transfer wealth from the poor to the rich, and nearly every last damn one of them is complicit. Boehner, Reid, Pelosi, Cantor, Obama, Bush, McConnell, Kerry, McCain and many more are ALL throwing money at Wall Street. A government of the banks, by the banks and for the banks.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You had better identify who Soros really is. Some people can't handle sarcasm.

Maybe should mention that Soros is a big investor in Petrobras to the tune of about 1 billion dollars. Obama promised 2 billion dollars to Petrobras for exploration. Yes, taxpayer, our money to Brazil so we can buy their oil someday. The Gulf moratorium also freed up several deep water drilling rigs that were committed to drilling off the coast of the US.
if it wasnt for the tea party we would have beeb down graded farther.