Sending a photo...

After setting up an appointment, as a courtesy I have often sent
a photo (tasteful, of course) of myself to the provider. After all, I get to see what they look like prior to meeting. So this seems only right to me.

Am I the only one who does this and how do the providers
here feel about it?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ive had serveral send me pictures and i really appreciated it, It made a lot of anxiety go away that normally comes with opening the door. Its by no way expected due to obvious discretion needed but i certainly thought it was a nice gesture. Plus it made me really look that much more forward to meeting them !
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ive had serveral send me pictures and i really appreciated it, It made a lot of anxiety go away that normally comes with opening the door. Its by no way expected due to obvious discretion needed but i certainly thought it was a nice gesture. Plus it made me really look that much more forward to meeting them ! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Precious_b's Avatar
I'm there with you Star.

(Oh, that is *not* me in the Avatar )
If its something major like a weekend together with someone Ive never met then I will but really dont see the point for short dates.I usually ask for a recent photo of them as well to be sure the pictures are acurate.
Naomi4u's Avatar
If its something major like a weekend together with someone Ive never met then I will but really dont see the point for short dates.I usually ask for a recent photo of them as well to be sure the pictures are acurate. Originally Posted by jfarmer
I know ladies that won't send you a photo. They will even tell you that the photos on their website are recent. If you can ask her for a photo I think it's fair for her to ask you for a photo. I personally just started asking for photos. For me, It is very optional I understand some guys don't like that. It's not like they can blur their face.. lol. It is nice to see the guy before the date.
I know ladies that won't send you a photo. They will even tell you that the photos on their website are recent. If you can ask her for a photo I think it's fair for her to ask you for a photo. I personally just started asking for photos. For me, It is very optional I understand some guys don't like that. It's not like they can blur their face.. lol. It is nice to see the guy before the date. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I will send one if it is requested. I have rarely been asked to do so,but I do see your point.
ac0313's Avatar
I too have sent a photo in advance to some ladies...and come to think of it, those first meetings have been among the best! They usually make the same comment as above that it helps them relax a bit and have less jitters when that door opens.
London Rayne's Avatar
Don't send and prefer not to receive. I don't open attachments from people I don't know, nor do I want the added hassle of something else to wipe from my hard drive.

I don't think a married or professional man should make a habit of this, as you just never know who you might run into that would use it for malicious purposes. If you are single and have nothing to lose, go for it.

All I know is if I were a professional man, the last thing I would want to explain is how some escort got my picture. I mean why bother using a fake email and phone if you are sending out other info that could put you at risk?
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I wouldn't mind a pic of your face or all of you clothed. Just wish most guys got that memo because they send me a face pic along with 2 or 3 of their dick. eck
ac0313's Avatar
I wouldn't mind a pic of your face or all of you clothed. Just wish most guys got that memo because they send me a face pic along with 2 or 3 of their dick. eck Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
yes, let me clarify. the pic I send is only a face pic, in fact it is lifted from my work website. I also only send it if she has agreed so it would not be from an unknown email address. I would never send a pic that could not be viewed in public. The purpose is only for her to get an idea of what I look like to set her at ease; afterall, she has provided pics of herself.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm sorry but I'm all for the pic ESPECIALLY after what I went through a few months back.

Got a request to meet a guy at a hotel in downtown columbia.. He filled out the screening form and everything was all good. After I confirmed our date he warned me that he was a "big guy". I said "Oh baby that's not a problem.. I love lots of meat!" Got to the hotel and my jaws dropped. He was HUGE as in Obese. I can deal with overweight but obese? I was soo unprepared for the activities that took place that night.

I know this is a little TMI but I had to share why pictures can sometimes be a necessity. Now on my screening form I ask "how much do you weigh?".. Seriously this hobby is supposed to be fun. No offense but I can only handle so much. There's my short story. Pictures can help make the date a much more enjoyable experience for sure.

(location was changed to protect client)
London Rayne's Avatar
I normally get that info from references so no picture is needed unless I feel he is being dishonest or posing as someone else. The only time I have ever asked for a photo was when a guy claimed to be so and so and had no refs. If the guy in his linkedin pic was not the guy who showed, then I would not open the door.

Most of the men I see will not submit to this type of screening, and I really don't feel it's necessary if they have valid refs and employment checks out. I can see how it would help in a situation where there are questions though, but just prefer not to lose any more business lol. I am hard enough to book with already.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
yes, let me clarify. the pic I send is only a face pic, in fact it is lifted from my work website. I also only send it if she has agreed so it would not be from an unknown email address. I would never send a pic that could not be viewed in public. The purpose is only for her to get an idea of what I look like to set her at ease; afterall, she has provided pics of herself. Originally Posted by ac0313

You didn't need to clarify because I didn't misunderstand.

My reply was more of a "just saying"
Naomi4u's Avatar
Totally @ London.

I make it optional but I give them the option on my screening form.