penile injections...and the hobby life

DallasRain's Avatar
I have a client who I in mid 60's and has had ED problems.....He recently started taking the penile injections...THEY WORK AWESOME!!! { In our 3 hr apt he NEVER quit saluting till the}

Anyone else have experiences with this?? Hobbyist or providers??

Any links or helpful advice to share??

My problem is keeping it
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Dallas, if I was with you, I know I could keep the flag flying for three hours.
Wiley64's Avatar
No problems here,, everytime the wind blows in off the MS gulf coast I get a boner. I guarantee though if I ever get limp dick from other than alcohol or just a boring woman, I'm strapping a Popsicle stick to woody. Nobody is coming near my dick with a needle!
DallasRain's Avatar
I did buy a hollow strap on for those guys with ed issues...that way they can pound the "hell" outta me in their own way! lol
turbo-dog's Avatar
Could he come? Or was he just hard the whOle time?
DallasRain's Avatar
Could he come? Or was he just hard the whOle time? Originally Posted by turbo-dog
he came several times first was a gusher rest were dry orgasms
Thought I could make mine bigger for a moment.
Lovely Callie's Avatar
Is this a clinical treatment or did he just whip out the needle right there? Kinky...
SknyDiva's Avatar
Yep they just whip out the needle and inject themselves
I have had them inject 3 or 4 times. That First one is a gusher!
SknyDiva's Avatar
Keeps them good & stiff. No Semi's
Yep they just whip out the needle and inject themselves
I have had them inject 3 or 4 times. That First one is a gusher! Originally Posted by SknyDiva
Do you mean they inject their penis 3 or 4 times during a single session? Sounds like an overdose to me (not to mention very expensive. One shot of that stuff is about $40-$50).
A guy would have to be a very brave soul to watch a needle being inserted into his most prized possession!
There are many etiologies for Ercectile Dysfunction. Age,certain medical diagnoses,medications and some surgical procedures,to mention just a few. Intracorporeal injection of certain pharmaceuticals,either alone in combination,has been available for some time. Penile injection became less popular when Viagra and similar oral medications became available and are still " first line" treatment of choice for most causes of ED. If oral medication doesn't get you the wood/steel you need and your still interested you should see a Board Certified Urologist who has special interest in treating ED patients. ASK to try penile injection. Medication used ,thier combination and dosage can vary. The small dose of medication is injected at the base of the shaft of the penis and the Dr or staff will teach the technique. The needle is tiny,like what is used to inject insulin for a diabetic patient. There are automatic injection devices you can use where you just press a button and it does the injection.
So I guess this is just another type of performance inhancing "doping" for guys who still want to swing thier bat and knock it over the fence.
DallasRain's Avatar
this guy had already injected himself beforehand....I did have one guy ask me to inject him,but I said no cause I hate needles {lol}