reporting a provider

cici26's Avatar
So I received an email from my client referring another provider she's stirring up lies because she wanted me to team up with her and I found out through her reviews and one review stated she had a health condition plus a few other disgusting problems well when I confronted her about it she got really defensive and now she's telling my clients I have std which is false is their anything I can do about her harassing me or my clients?

Her handle is*Hotroxy90
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Pistolero's Avatar
The Eccie moderators enforce the guidelines for the site. We are not the hobby police. We only get involved with guideline violations.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Hell, looks like she has not posted an ad since 2011, how much of a problem could she really be?
Who exactly are you trying to report her to? Lol

But really, why do anything at all If youre choosing to let her bother you?
You have a choice.
Why do you care what her story is? Any person w/a tongue can tell a lie.
So fucking what!!!!

Do like i've done when a provider once bothered me:
Ignore the fly, It'll go away!
Call 911 report the problem... You're good to go then.