Kevin O'Leary Says Blue States Are Uninvestible (Tweet, Video)

Mr. Wonderful says blue states are uninvestible. How can anyone disagree? Violent crime, shoplifting, high taxes, no bail policies for criminals, non prosecution of crime, defunding police, turds, syringes, and homeless people. Walmart just closed all it's stores in Portland. Numerous retailers are closing stores and pulling out of Democrat run blue cities. Soon Democrats in urban areas will have to travel to red suburbs to shop. Democrat big cities are becoming retail dessert wastelands. Why aren't Democrat policies creating the Utopia that they promised. I know, I know, I'm a racist, bigot, xenophobe for daring to point this out. Go ahead and attack me. I careth not.

Kevin O'Leary on blue America: "This competition of states is beginning to occur. There are go-to states and no go states. New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California. You cannot invest in those places. They are no longer investable."

Time to build the red state economy.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Women are a great investment in Colorado. A bluish-purple state. I know, I know . . . I'm a chauvinist. Women's Healthcare is a'boomin'!

Blimey! ... And here I surely thought all that looting,
property damage, set fires, "chop zones" and destruction
we saw during the "Summer of 2020" was just a mirage
in those blue states.

Reckon that Mr. O'Leary is right about things.

#### Salty
The last company to leave can turn out the lights.

But the residents of these States who continually vote Democrat don’t worry. Biden will take care of them.