He/She is a good...

I often hear a lot of whites use the expression "he/she is a good black" or "he/she is a good mexican." I've heard this both in and out of the hobby. But it seems to be just as, if not more prevalent in the hobby as out. As a minority hobbyist, I'd still like to know what constitutes "a good black." I want to make sure I'm the best black I can be. LOL
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I've never heard the term before.
St.Mateo's Avatar
Ok I know its the middle of the nite and am curious here but you just registered and your first post is dealing with a very sensitive subject.This could either be very good if we all remember to be respectful or it will go downhill very fast with a snide remark.

As for the subject some peoples use of the language is considered questionable because of tone or the look they have when they say it. Some just may not know how to communicate. Others are just plain rude and think they are supreme

As you have stated "I want to be the best black I can be" in how you really want to know the answer to that. Only you know the answer. Everyone elses thoughts are just their opinions which really dont matter.
joined 2 August, your first post is to start crap?
I am sure he had to read the other threads in this vein and my post concerning it. Nothing like an example............Such post should be in the Sandbox and not in Co-ed. Everyone is adults and should follow proper board etiquette. No one should have to be treated as children, although sometimes it's hard to tell. We are here to hobby, not to ponder deep penetrating thoughts on the world and it's issues. But, if post by newbies and others are only made to stir up nonsense and troubling , endless threads, those threads will be closed at moderators discretion
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-02-2010, 07:12 AM
boardman's Avatar
self edit
dearhunter's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
Useless thread........
Prowordsmith's Avatar
Be the best PERSON you can be and that should accomplish your goal.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Useless thread........ Originally Posted by boardman
I agree.

I have never heard that expression.
I have heard the expression but, this is a USELESS thread. For those that don't know, what this person (that just registered) is trying to imply is that some of the providers that see AA males will see some and not others.

Where is the picture of the guy beating the dead horse when you need him?
blah blah blah
boardman's Avatar
Good point, Snow!
What I'm trying to say has nothing to do with providers seeing some blacks and not others. Whites are always referred to as whites. Blacks and hispanics, on the other hand, always have adjectives attached to their races. He/She is a good black. He/She is a good looking black. When was the last time you heard someone say he/she is a good looking white?

When whites say these things, the underlying premise is that most blacks are bad and not good looking. Why can't blacks simply be black and hispanics simply be hispanic without adjectives being attached to their race??

Moderator has threatened to ban me if I make anymore references to race on this board. I guess I'm one of those "bad" blacks by mentioning subtle forms of racism such as people always associating adjectives with race. I'm not trying to stir up trouble. But the only way things will change is to discuss the issue of subtle racism in the open.