Racist Cops in Omaha

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-09-2014, 09:12 AM
Racist Omaha cops post video of bad parenting and translate it as promoting "thug life" in thinly veiled effort to embarrass black people. CPS responds appropriately and removes children from the house.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maybe those "black people" wouldn't be embarrassing if they were decent parents. Are we supposed to ignore this because they are black? That is horrific parenting regardless of color.

You are a moron.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Want to tell us this is racist Bertie. Why isn't Will Ferrel in jail for putting this together including coaching the little girl to curse. He put this on the Internet and it will be out there forever for her. This was child abuse then and it's child abuse now.
Racist Omaha cops post video of bad parenting and translate it as promoting "thug life" in thinly veiled effort to embarrass black people. CPS responds appropriately and removes children from the house.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotat...&v=Zq5HyCm_7b0 Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Are you saying you believe that type of parenting does NOT promote thug life?

That was awful. That kid has zero chance of growing up to be responsible. She will be in and out of jail her whole life. And have multiple illegitimate children.

I'm sure the cops get tired of dealing with one generation after another of dirt bags.

If the justice system can't fix this, then maybe we do need to go back to shaming.
That poor little kid. The parents ought to be arrested and jailed.....and then neutered. What a shame.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-09-2014, 01:16 PM
now there's a couple of real dipshits ... both are candidates for moving targets at the police firing range, and profanity gives way to praying
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-09-2014, 01:19 PM
Maybe those "black people" wouldn't be embarrassing if they were decent parents. Are we supposed to ignore this because they are black? That is horrific parenting regardless of color.

You are a moron. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What you are missing is not that it is bad parenting - it is. The problem is white parents do stupid stuff, also, and they aren't held as accountable - it is a racist double standard similar to school discipline insofar as black children receive three times as many suspensions as white kids. This video was posted by racist cops to perpetuate negative stereotyping of black people. It should have been quietly handled and not promoted by the police. That being said, the child has been removed from that horrible home by the government you conservatives always vilify, so her life is not ruined yet.
JCM800's Avatar
What you are missing is not that it is bad parenting - it is. The problem is white parents do stupid stuff, also, and they aren't held as accountable Originally Posted by Bert Jones
CPS would've taken that kid regardless of race.

hopefully that kid has a better shot in life ...but not all foster families are winners either.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What you are missing is not that it is bad parenting - it is. The problem is white parents do stupid stuff, also, and they aren't held as accountable - it is a racist double standard similar to school discipline insofar as black children receive three times as many suspensions as white kids. This video was posted by racist cops to perpetuate negative stereotyping of black people. It should have been quietly handled and not promoted by the police. That being said, the child has been removed from that horrible home by the government you conservatives always vilify, so her life is not ruined yet. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
You have issues, BJerk.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-09-2014, 10:53 PM
You have issues, BJerk. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As do you!
What you are missing is not that it is bad parenting - it is. The problem is white parents do stupid stuff, also, and they aren't held as accountable - it is a racist double standard similar to school discipline insofar as black children receive three times as many suspensions as white kids. This video was posted by racist cops to perpetuate negative stereotyping of black people. It should have been quietly handled and not promoted by the police. That being said, the child has been removed from that horrible home by the government you conservatives always vilify, so her life is not ruined yet. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Clarification - I saw another video by the 16 year old mother and she referred to "my son". So, maybe the child is a boy.

Can you provide ANY proof at all that white parents aren't held as accountable? Or did you just make that shit up? Can you link to any videos of white parents engaged in child abuse where the white parents were not similarly punished?

Also, perhaps black students receive three times as many suspensions as white students because they do three times as many bad things. Bad acts are punished, not skin color. So, if you cause three times as much trouble, you get three times as many suspensions.

Would you like to bet that even in schools where the teachers and administrators are themselves majority black that black students are still punished more often than white students? Does that mean that the black teachers and principals are anti-black racists, too?

Your argument suffers from the fallacy that all groups act the same. They don't. There is a much higher level of dysfunction in black families than in white and Asian families. So, the children from those same dysfunctional families cause more trouble.

Breakdown in social norms explains these problems, not racism.

I point out again that the mother is 16 years old. The child appears to be about 2. That means she gave birth at about 14-15 years of age. And almost certainly got pregnant at 14. THAT is the problem. Here is a video new article:


And here is an article:


Apparently, the cops have visited her house before. Gang-related violence and shots fired into the house.
Bert, you're turning this into a troll post....it probably was from the beginning.

I don't know what the motivation of the police officers was when they posted this up but black people should be embarrassed about shit like this. Same as when white people are embarrassed when white parents do stupid abusive things to their children. It just astonishes me that the focus of your outrage is on the cops, rather than these two cretin parents....who just happen to be black.

No offense, but a pretty good argument could be made that it's your attitude that enables troglodytes like these parents. My reaction to his isn't "oh my goodness, those racist cops", it's "where on earth did that mom and dad learn their parenting skills?" And, I guess we all know the answer to that one....from their dysfunctional parents.

The focus ought to be on how we prevent this type of behavior....not on blaming the cops for allegedly being racist for publicizing it.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-10-2014, 09:20 PM
Bert, you're turning this into a troll post....it probably was from the beginning.

I don't know what the motivation of the police officers was when they posted this up but black people should be embarrassed about shit like this. Same as when white people are embarrassed when white parents do stupid abusive things to their children. It just astonishes me that the focus of your outrage is on the cops, rather than these two cretin parents....who just happen to be black.

No offense, but a pretty good argument could be made that it's your attitude that enables troglodytes like these parents. My reaction to his isn't "oh my goodness, those racist cops", it's "where on earth did that mom and dad learn their parenting skills?" And, I guess we all know the answer to that one....from their dysfunctional parents.

The focus ought to be on how we prevent this type of behavior....not on blaming the cops for allegedly being racist for publicizing it. Originally Posted by timpage
OK, so it isn't the strongest case to be made here, she is a bad mother but at the same time a mere child herself and the victim of a crushing racist system that considers her disposable, and so the parenting does suck but put yourself in her place. The despair and grinding poverty and hopelessness she faces. I still maintain the cops motives were not pure in posting it, because they wanted to embarrass black folks.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I linked a video that featured Will Ferrel with a little girl who was cussing at him. Should Ferrel be arrested? He was on the Tonight Show when that came out and he took credit for creating it. Shoud the parents of the little girl have their child taken away?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-11-2014, 06:51 AM
I linked a video that featured Will Ferrel with a little girl who was cussing at him. Should Ferrel be arrested? He was on the Tonight Show when that came out and he took credit for creating it. Shoud the parents of the little girl have their child taken away? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There you go, thank you. See what whitey gets away with?