NCNS by Sweet.Nothings

onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 08-15-2016, 11:55 AM
Well, I decided to shoot Jayne a PM this morning to take advantage of her special and was finally able to set something up for 11:00 saying that she would still honor the special. Excellent!

So I send her my number and ask her to text me so I can contact her better. She responds back saying she is stuck in traffic and will respond soon. Ok?! So against my better judgment I decided to head to her incall location ... a 30min drive for me, especially given the rain. I get there on time and wait ... then wait some more. Again, against my better judgment and normal protocol, I wait a full 30 min. trying to give the benefit of the doubt and traffic.

During the wait I PM her (since this is the only form of communication at this point) three more times; once letting her know I had arrived at the incall location and requested that she text me once again. Then letting her know I had been there 20 min and asked for an ETA. Finally a 5 min warning that I was leaving if I didn't hear from her.

At 30 after I left. When I arrived back home I sent her another PM letting her know that I was frustrated at driving the distance to be NCNS'd. So far, as of 1:00pm I still have not heard a word from her.

So either she:
1. Actually NCNS'd me (very possible)
2. Got a better offer (very likely)
3. Got in an accident and not able to respond (doubtful)
4. Just doesn't give a fuck (possible)

Regardless, I've wanted to see her for a while and as I told her, I'm very hesitant to contact her gain. So goes life.

Not an alert ... not a warning ... just an FYI! I'm sure she's a sweet lady and I would like to see her, but I don't do NCNS's and really hate my time be wasted as I do my best to be on time and honor my requests at all times. Such is life.
Little Monster's Avatar
Have you considered sending her death threats to try and con her out of a freebie? You would be surprised at how effective that works.
russellevans's Avatar
Sounds like a cunt move to stop all communication. And this is why I ranted in alerts about "always take care of the lady no matter what". Some people (male and female) aren't courteous enough to value your time. It makes it worse with no follow up at all trying to save face.
She ncns me a couple days ago as well...similar story, although I've seen her before. Got a random txt from her today "I'm available now". Well, fuck you. I've got better things to do with my time.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 08-17-2016, 11:36 PM
Have you considered sending her death threats to try and con her out of a freebie? You would be surprised at how effective that works. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I don't know if this is your attempt at sarcasm or not and could personally care less. If I'm NCNS'd I let it be known. I don't ask or seek your approval or anyone else's for that matter. And for the record, we communicated, set up another time — which she kept, was on time and all is well. You have a good day!
Little Monster's Avatar
I don't know if this is your attempt at sarcasm or not and could personally care less. If I'm NCNS'd I let it be known. I don't ask or seek your approval or anyone else's for that matter. And for the record, we communicated, set up another time — which she kept, was on time and all is well. You have a good day! Originally Posted by onei
OK! Fine take my advice or don't I could give a shit less if you do or don't. In what way was I attempting to get you to seek my "approval"?